Then, I see Charles getting up. He walks over to Jai and throws a punch at him. Now it was Charles and Jai fighting. The other two guys were knocked out on the side.

"Nobody messes with me!" Jai growls. "You get that, Charles?!" He screamed.

Charles response with a swing of his arm. Jai ducks and he misses. Then Jai throws a punch on Charles Perry's abdomen. "Somebody, stop them!" I screamed but nobody paid little attention to me. I went over to the guys. "Stop them, dudes!"

"Are you crazy? Then we'll be the one dead." One of the guys replied to me. I frowned at them then turned back to the two boys. If they don't stop now, someone is going to be sent to the hospital.

I rushed to the two boys as I tried to get in between them. I was pushed back every time I tried. Then I see Jai's gang and his cousins. I looked at them for help but they just stood there helplessly with Samson.

"Jai, stop!" I screamed. I get pushed on the ground and get my palm scratched by a sharp rock. I looked at him; he was so focus on beating Charles up. "Jai, please!" I yelled then I feel someone pulling me back.

"You're going to get hurt, Nadine." I hear Daniel say to me as he pulled be back to the side.

"No, somebody needs to stop them, stop Jai." I told him as I tried to get out from his hold. "Since everyone is being a chicken, then I will."

"Then you will be send to the hospital, dummy." Daniel screamed back.

"I don't care!" I snapped. I was being held back. Daniel leaves me with two of the gang members. I was trying to get away from them but their hold were just too tight.

"Stop it, Jai!" I screamed. "Let me go!" I turned to the two guys.

"Don't let her go." Daniel opposed.

"Jai, please stop!" I screamed louder.

"No one can stop him. We told you he has anger issues." Daniel spoke again then it began to piss me off.

"Shut up, Daniel. Help out or else he is going to send Charles to the hospital," I yelled.

"We have no choice, Nadine. The more we try to stop him, the more he gets angry."

"Stop it  Jai, please stop!" I screamed. "Please, Jai. Listen to me Jai Art!" I screamed as loud as I could. Then I see Jai swing half way, before his knuckle can reach the face of Charles Perry. Charles was already on the ground with a bloody face. "Jai, please stop!" I screamed one more time. Then he turns to look for something.

The moment he spots me, his eyes widen. He backs away from Charles then looked around him. He looked so surprised at what has happened. Then he turns back to me again.

The two boys lets go of me and I rushed to Jai. "Oh, hell, are you okay Jai?" I asked, still frantically. I looked for any bruises on him. There was nothing then I looked down at Charles. His hand rested on the side of his stomach. There was blood all over his face. A bruise began to form on both side of his lips. He was cringing at the pain the punches gave to him.

I feel Jai grab a hold of my wrist. "What happened to your hand?" He ask as he looks at my scratched palm. I pulled it back.

"It's nothing." I said. "Come on. You need to get out of here." I said as I pulled him out of the circle that the crowd made. I gave Daniel a look before taking off. I know he got what I wanted him to do.

I didn't want Jai to get suspended or expelled. I don't care who threw the punch first. I don't care whose fault it was. Jai just can't get in trouble. I wasn't mad at him. I understand that he has anger issues and it controls him to do that.

We were at my house as I fixed him up. He only got hit twice which was on the stomach and on the side of his eye. The bruise only began to appear when we reached my house. The only thing that bled on Jai was his knuckles. I was putting alcohol on them when Jai speaks up. "You're not mad at me?"

I looked up to him. "What for?" I asked with a soft tone.

"For getting into a fight with your friend." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Why should I be?" I asked. "Jai, I understand that you have issues. I won't judge you." Then Jai became quiet. I guess he was surprised that I knew.

"How did you know I have anger issues?" He later asked.

"It doesn't matter." I shook my head. "What matters is that no one was sent to the hospital." I start to pack up the first aid kit when Jai stops me by holding unto my hand.

"Thank you." He whispers.

I gave him a sly smile. "It's no problem, Jai." I said before walking off to put the first aid kit back to the storage closet. When I got back to my room, I found no Jai. I went downstairs to see the rest of the gang in my living room.

But then I see Jai by the door, hiding from them, not wanting them to see him. He was eavesdropping. I walked quietly to where he stood and he notice my presence.

"He would have gotten Charles Perry unconscious if Nadine hadn't stopped him." We hear Samson say.

"I can't believe he stopped." Tyson adds.

"Well, he had to stop or else he'll go to jail for murder." Samantha said next. "Or he'll get caught by the principal."

"No, he didn't stop because of that." Daniel informed them. "Jacob doesn't care if he goes to jail or not. If he is angry like that, nothing matters to him."

"No one can stop him." Tyson said. "No one."

".....but Nadine did." Samson adds. Everyone turned their head at him. "No one can stop Jacob but Nadine."

"Would you look at that?" Daniel said while he smirked, folding his arms. "Jacob finally found someone who can calm him down, who can tame him."

"Did you see, Tyson?" Samson asked. "Nadine Riley Brooks has tamed the beast." The girls giggled and the boys chuckled. I looked over to Jai by my side and I could see him turning a little red.

"I tamed the beast, huh?" I nudged his rib as I whispered next to him, smirking as well.

I felt proud of myself. I couldn't explain the feeling that erupted inside of me. Learning that I tamed him makes me think that I am a superhero, like I saved the day- technically saved Charles Perry's life.

I stepped inside the living room and they all turned their head at me, then Jai follows me. They soon became quiet. "What happened to Charles?" I asked.

"I talked to him." Daniel said, shrugging his shoulders like it was that easy to have Charles shut his mouth. I cocked my brows at him.

"No seriously. What did you do to him?" I said.

"We just gave him a warning." Samson said.

"As for the students, we told them to not speak a word of what had happened." Tyson said next. That's the perks of being in a gang that is feared by everyone.

"And the teachers? The principal?" I asked. I was still not satisfied. I need to make sure that he doesn't get in trouble. It may be wrong to get into a fight but he can't be sent to the office. Ally has told me that her dad is strict on these boys. One wrong move will automatically expel them from Boca Academy. I can't let that happen.

"No teacher was there to witness it. They were all having a meeting at the other building to hear or see it." Daniel said.

"If people ever speak of it, we told them that they will become the next Charles Perry." Samson said next. That's good, I think. The more people forget and the less they talk about it, the less likely it will reach the principal or the main office.

Just Another Fool #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now