His Secret

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Apparently, one of the girls from school overheard a conversation between Daniel and one of the member in his gang. They were talking about Jai and his courtship for me. Soon, it became the number one gossip in school. I hated it. I hated the glares the girls would give me every time I walked passed them. I hated how every second a chat box pops up, people would be asking me if it was true. I hated guys asking me if it's just Jai's way of hiding his confused self, even guys from outside the academy. I hated that it became everyone's business.

Since I always come early to school, this time, I've decided that it's best I come extra later than when Cassie usually does. That way, people will have less time to come to me and start bombarding me with so much questions again.

However, I came so late, my teacher kicked me out of class. So right now, I am outside the school building, sitting on one of the round cement tables placed in the middle of the quad. I was studying for my test next period when Tyson just show up out of nowhere, startling me. "That wasn't cool, Ty." I mumbled, picking up my textbook that I had pushed off the table.

When I tilted my head up he was smirking at me with a cocked brow. "Ty, huh?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay, Ms. Nickname-Giver." He grinned as he sat on one of the chairs.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I got bored in class so I walked out. Then I headed to our usual spot but one of our members has told me that Daniel and Jacob had just left the campus. I thought they were here but instead, I found you here alone by yourself." He quickly said.

"Oh okay," I said next. I pretended to check the time on my non-existing watch on my right wrist. "Oh look at the time, I have better head to class. See you later, Ty." I quickly got up from my seat but Tyson stops me by pulling me right back down.

I guess I'm just not used to hanging out with him alone. We never really got to know each other very well. I only hang out with Daniel and Jai mostly.

"Why the rush, Nadine?" He smirked. "You know I've noticed that we barely hang out, just you and me."

"Yeah, I noticed too." I quickly said, feeling the tension in the air.

"This would be a great time to know more about each other." He stated.

"Huh, yeah, I guessed." I shrugged my shoulder. Tyson Art was different from all of the Art boys I have met. He was the most matured looking one. He spoke with a mannerly voice. He stood and walked like a grown up man. Maybe that is where Jai gets it from. Maybe he had hung out with Tyson so much, he soon begin to act like him.

"My cousin likes talking about you." He tells me.

"Uh huh." I mumbled, nodding. This time, I felt like I was blushing by that statement.

"Danielson, he is always up to something and he sometimes gets Jacob into it. Those two have always been the close one while it's Samson and I." He informed me. I didn't know why he was telling me this. I thought he wanted to know more about each other. It seems like he wants to tell me something but there is something stopping him.

"Is Daniel up to something right now?" I asked.

"Yes, and I don't like it." He said.

"Well, what is it?"

He looks at me then thinks about it. "It's best if you don't know, Nadine. It's best for all of us."

"Secrets, huh" I muttered to myself.

"Jacob isn't who you think he is. He's changed a lot from when you knew him back two years ago." He said.

"I know that, Ty. That's the first thing I've noticed about him. But, tell me who Jai Art really is. Tell me who he really is now."

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