Taming Him

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Jai and I are back to the usual hanging out during lunch and after school. Charles would join us sometimes. However, I think I wasn't the only one who can feel the tension between him and Jai. Whenever we are all in the same room or same grounds, I could feel the death glares they gave to each other.

"Jacob has a competition." Sammy mumbled to Daniel but I heard her. They were just sitting next to me. I turned my head at her.

"What competition?" I furrowed my brows.

She grins at me before whispering. "Nothing." She shrugs her shoulders then turn back to Daniel.

We were currently having lunch on one of the Boca Girls' stoned and marbled round tables. All of Jai's gang members were present but Jai himself and Samson. Charles was also not here with us.

I began to feel left out. Daniel and Samantha kept to themselves. Ally and Cassie are talking about a movie I didn't get to watch with them. Lily was flirting with one of the boys. Then there was Tyson who has been awfully quiet. I haven't spoken to him since that day he told me about Jai Art's secret.

I still worry about what he has told me. I don't know who to believe, my theory or Jai. I don't want to be a fool. I don't like being lied to.

I was beginning to wonder where Jai was. I've grew being used to always having him by my side. Every after school, whenever he has to stay back in class, I would always find myself crossing the streets to the Boca Boys' territory and wanting to just have a glance of him. Even if we don't talk, I just want to see him before I go home.

I feel like he has become a part of my everyday lifestyle. If I don't see him at least once a day, I begin to go crazy.

Now, I was beginning to lose my mind. I haven't seen him all day. So I got up and started walking to look for that boy. When I reached the front of BGA, there was a commotion going on across the streets, at the Boca Boys front yard. Girls were crossing the road, trying to see what was going on. Everyone who wanted to see soon made a big crowd.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" The crowd chanted. I ran the across the street and almost got hit by a small black car. The driver honks at me and I think I even heard them cuss at me. I ignored it and rushed to the crowd.

I made my way, bumping shoulders with the students of Boca. When I had a clear view of the commotion, I see the back of Jai Art's head. It was him and Charles. They we're saying things to each other which was not audible to me because I was surrounded by kids chanting and encouraging them to fight. It was getting intense. They take steps, trying to have a distance that is just one swing away.

Charles slowly walks closer to Jai then whispers something to his ears. He smirks while doing so. At the moment he steps back, Jai swings his arm, punching Charles right on the nose. He falls down on the ground, taken aback. He looks at Jai who had thrown another punch at him. Charles tied get a clear shot but Jai has already given him two massive blow on the face.

Some guys have tried to help Charles but Jai pushes them away and even punches the two guys. Next thing you know, there were blood splattering in the air. I looked around for anyone to help and stop Jai. Samson, I see him on the side just watching. I made my way to him.

"Samson, do something." I pointed.

"No can do, Nadine." He screams a little because the crowd begin to grew louder.

"Why?!" I snapped, frantically.

"If anyone dares to stop him, they are dead. Jai will beat that person up until they become unconscious." He informs me. I turned my head and watched Jai fight off the two guys.

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