Tequila Mockingbird

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry Lucy. I didn't realize. I was just a little shocked that's all. I was joking anyway that wasn't serious in just trying to play matchmaker for my son."

"Oh no it's cool Papa J. I was just making things clear. I mean you guys are like my second family so I pretty much had to tell you someday."

"We love you no matter what, sweetie. You're like our daughter and we just want you to be happy." Clara held out her hand reassuringly.

Chris still had a thing for the girl, but he eventually got over it. Now, he just admires her beauty. A lot.

"Throw it back, Jauregui!" One of the guys nearby screamed. A small group of people was around the two Jaureguis and Lucy. They were cheering on the younger girl.

When she tossed it back, nothing but a burning feeling took over her throat. It made her face squeeze tightly together and her eyes close. She had to hold back a gag, but she made it.

"Yes your first shot! I'm so proud of you kid!" Lucy high fived Taylor.

"High five little sis" Chris held out his hand that Taylor hit with hers.

"Now chase it with this mixed drink, and you'll be fine." Chris offered his younger sister a cup. She began to grab it but it was taken by the older girl.

"Nah uh buddy you are not getting your sister inebriated this quickly. She just had a tequila shot. Give her a break."

"Oh look you're being a mom again. C'mon Lucy she's 15 she can handle it. She's gotta start sometime."

"Taylor, do you want to drink more or no? You don't have to, no one will judge you either way." Lucy asked in a sincere tone, placing her hand on the younger girl's shoulder.

"I'll try this drink. I kind of want to have my first drunk experience. Plus, I trust you guys to not let me get hurt." Her words warmed both Chris and Lucy. They loved her so much and cared for her.

"Chris, if something happens and Lauren finds out, it was your fault not mine." She turned towards him sharply. Chris just smirked.

"Oh no. Wouldn't want to ruin your reputation for your green eyed goddess right?" He sounded like a 5 year old singing "someone and someone sitting in a tree." Lucy just sighed. He always brought this up.

"Chris, let it go. It was one time I called her that and I was druuunnk. I don't have a thing for your sister." Lucy said calmly, shrugging him off.

"So since we're lying now, I'll just say that she doesn't have a thing for you either." He crossed his tanned arms over his bare chest, still keeping a beer in one of his hands."

"Shut up. She doesn't.You and your dad man I swear you just want me to marry a Jauregui." All she could do was laugh at how childish the younger boy sounded, but she knew what he was saying had truth to it. She would never let him know that.

"Whatever you say Luce." Chris looked away to watch the people at the party. Lucy followed his gaze and realized that this is her life. This is all she does over the summer. There's no worries, even though she's the one throwing the parties. These people she was watching were having fun because of her.

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