Prologue Pt. 6

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As me walked around the island, Hajime was staring at his E-Handbook.

"I think we should head to the airport first. There might be planes working!" Hajime suggested.

"That would be nice, but I rather stay here than being on a plane." Nagito spoke with a hint of fear.

"You scared of planes?" I asked.

"Not really. Just scared what might happen due to my luck." He replied.

"Makes sense. After all, luck isn't something you can control. You just gotta have a little faith in it and see what happens next." Giving a try at cheering him up a little, I feel like I failed.

"How long did that take you to come up with? It sounded very inspiring!" Nagito asked in his cheerful manner.

'There we go!' I celebrated in my thoughts, "The words just came out of my mouth, really. So, it's nothing special." I answered.

"You should be a motivational speaker! Imagine how many people will be motivated hearing your speeches!" Nagito happily explained.

"I'm a daydreamer, not a public speaker. I'll mess up because I'm not good at public speaking." My inner fear appeared.

"Makes sense, but just by looking at you, you're not probably not good at anything at all!" A childish voice taunted behind us.

The three of us turned around to see a little, blond girl in an orange kimono with twin pigtails, being held my cat hair ties. Due to her appearance, you might think she's the most kindest person ever, but just hearing what she just said...

"Um...were you talking to me?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah I was. Are you deaf, you ugly bitch!" She insulted at my appearance.

"H-hey! That's not nice to say!" Hajime stood up for me. His face had a worried expression on him.

'Don't be worried. I'm okay.'

"Are you looking at a mirror?" Giving her a comeback, I felt a little guilty, but she deserves it.

"Wha-what?!" She yelled in surprise, "Waaah! I'm telling on that stupid rabbit!" She cried out.

"Hajime, you suck." Nagito said in disbelief, probably thinking he was the one who said the comeback.

"I-I didn't make her cry! Nimi did!" Hajime objected and made his statement.

"Yeah so? She's obviously fake crying." I observed.

"How did you know?" She asks in a totally free tear voice.


"I was right?" I asked, "Heh. I was just guessing."

"That's probably how you got through life. Maybe that's how your parents picked you, they couldn't tell the difference from their real child and you!" She crossed the line.

"..." I stayed silent, letting the anger calm down.

"Nimi?" Hajime asked worryingly.

'Don't worry about me.'

"Hahaha!" I laugh, "Good one! That's an interesting past you got there. I feel bad for your parents." I smiled.

"Wha?!" She whimpered.

"Hahaha!" I laughed again, "It's almost funny how you insult me. But there's one thing in that joke of yours that isn't."

"Wha-what?" She askes.

"How you made fun of my parents." My expression went dark, "If you don't want me to insult you, I suggest you leave my family out of this and only insult me." I suggested. I didn't care what happens to me, but if she insults my family, I won't hesitate to cut her.

"Okay! Okay! I understand!" She agrees.

"Good!" My voice and expression brightens up, "My name is Nimi Heart, I'm the Ultimate Dreamer."

"What kind of useless talent is that?" She asks. "Anyway, I'm Hiyoko Saionji, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer." She introduce herself.

"Don't forget Spiky here." I pointed to Hajime.

"My name isn't Spiky." He said in defeat.

"You look like a spiky." Hiyoko states. I was starting to like her, but my hatred still stand put.

"My name is Hajime Hinata." He finally introduce himself. It's funny how he spoke because he sounded like he was done with this bullshit and he gives up on everything.

"Hajime and Nimi, huh? I'm Kazuichi Souda!" A voice came from behind Hiyoko. She turns around while me and the two boys turned our attention to the guy in the yellow jumper suit, "I'm the Ultimate Mechanic!"

"Kazuichi...your name sounds a little hard, I'll call you Kazu!" I suggested without asking him.

"Sure. Doesn't bother me. I didn't hear your talents. What are they?" He asks me and Hajime.

"I don't remember mine. I'm pretty sure it'll come to me soon." He stated. His comment almost made me burst out laughing because it sounded so dirty.

"I'm the Ultimate Dreamer." I answer his question.

"Cool! I think I heard of you. You came up with that cool car design in less than 5 minutes, right?" He asks.

"That's me! Can't believe that only one was made. I think I made it too complicated." I rejoiced in old memories. "And I can't believe someone still remembers that!"

"I always informed in the vehicle industry. Cars are awesome!" He proudly promoted.

"Nobody cares!" Hiyoko put out there.

"H-hey! That hurt my sprit!" Kazu complained.

"By the way, Hiyoko..." My personality went dark again, "I also don't like it when you insult other people who I actually like, so please don't insult Nagito, Hajime, nor Kazu, okay?" I threaten her.

"Y-yes!" She cried out.

"Good!" I brighten up a bit.

"S-scary..." Kazu spoke.

"Well now, shall we head to the airport?" Nagito asks.

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