Prologue Pt. 5

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"Hey. You okay?" A guy's voice said to me. "I'm actually impressed that this guy next to you wasn't the only who passed out." He was starting to make it sound like passing out is better when you pass out with someone else.

I blink my eyes open, to meet a stunningly, bright, white light and a shadow of someone with messy hair. My vision starts to focus better because that shadow moved in front of the sun to get in my view.

"Oh look. You woke up before him. You alright?" He asked.

I stayed silent and slowly sat up, reaching up to my head, making sure I didn't hit anything while falling to the ground with no control. Luckily, I wasn't bleeding; unluckily (or luckily?), my face ended up real close to the fluffy, white hair guy. My face starts to heat up, so I quickly got to my feet and noticed that the boy who passed out before me was closer to me.

"I moved him next to you, so I can monitor you both at the same time." The greenish-eye boy said.

I gave him a nod and looked down at the brunet (is that the right word for male brown heads?). He looked slightly pale and uncomfortable. Since he looked uncomfortable, he slowly blinked his eyes open to meet mine.

"Who...are you?" He asked me, "What happened?" He stood up as he was asking that question.

I cleared my throat, "Well, ya see. You passed out when Usami finished talking because we're on some magically journey to find the golden carrot for her since she's to lazy to do it herself." He gave me a dumbfounded look, which made me sigh, "Basically, we're trapped on an island with complete strangers and the only way to get home is collect Hope Fragments." Since he noticed during my two explanations, I was talking too fast for someone who just woke up. His expression read that he was trying to process what I was saying.

"First off, that first part of your explanation is way to random and almost made sense." He said.

"I'll take that as a compliment since I came up with that the moment you asked me what happened." I replied to his statement.

"Second, you never answered my first question." He made a point.

"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Nimi Heart. Please to meet ya, Spiky." I answered with a smile.

"My name isn't Spiky." He said.

"Oh, so you're Nimi?" The boy with the green jacket asked, "I heard you might be the youngest student at Hope's Peak. But I have no idea what your talent is."

"I'm the Ultimate Dreamer. I'll explain what my talent means after you two introduce yourselves." I pointed to both of them.

"Haha. Where are my manners? My name is Nagito Komaeda. It's nice to meet you." Nagito smiles.

"I'm Hajime Hinata." Hajime said right after Nagito.

"Hajime...Nagito..." I mumble to myself. "Yeah, your names are easy to say, luckily." I gave them a smile.

"So, what's the Ultimate Dreamer?" Hajime asked.

"Oh yeah! Basically, anything I dream up, I can make it into reality." I proudly said. But my expression quickly turned ashamed with a smile, "Sadly, I can't get us off here, since I can't bend reality."

"Can you give us an example of your talent?" Nagito suggested.

"Of course! Say this: I'm dreaming during class and the teacher is talking about a film festival. And a scenario runs through my head. I join the film festival and make that scenario real. Then guess what, it becomes a block buster hit!" I proudly explained.

"So, an easy way to put it, you're just really creative?" Hajime asked me another question.

"You sure do like to ask questions. Yeah I guess, but the weird explanation from earlier was something I just thought of to mess with ya." I explained to Hajime.

"That's an amazing talent, Nimi!" Nagito complimented, "Better than my boring talent."

"I sure your talent is useful." I smile at him.

"Well, my talent is luck."

"Huh?" Hajime blurted out.

"I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student."

"Cool! Does that mean you have both good and bad luck, or just one of the other?" I ask.

"I have both. But I think it's a worthless talent." Nagito said in a pessimist way.

"I think it's interesting!"

"Thanks. I don't know what else to say." Nagito turned to Hajime, "It's your turn." He meant it was Hajime's turn to tell us his talent.

"Oh. I'm..." He frowned. "I'm the..." He suddenly had a worried expression, my least favorite expressions that people use, "I can't remember."

"Probably because you've been unconscious longer than me." I suggested.

"That could be it." He agree.

"Anyway, let's go introduce yourselves to everyone else." Nagito was the next one to suggest.

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