Glaring at him, I watched as he folded his arms and leaned against the windowsill. His tall muscular body and boyish charm made him look extremely out of place with my sort of girly décor. My purple, green, teal, and white bed looked a lot smaller when compared to him, even though it was a queen sized bed. “What the heck are you doing here?” I spat at him, crossing my arms angrily.

He continued looking at me with amusement, his eyebrows arched and his lips stretched in a grin. I watched him suspiciously, eyes narrowed, as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out my black iPhone. “I’m just invading your space, like you did mine. You know, you should really put a password on this.”

In a split second, I lunged forward, jumping over my bed and reaching for my phone. He easily pushed me back onto my bed, and pinned me down, swiftly slipping my phone back into his back pocket. I managed to kick him off and did a backwards roll until I was standing on the other side of my bed. “Give it back!”

“Now, now, uhm…?” He stopped, his forehead creasing in puzzlement as he tried to figure out my name. He was now frowning, looking off into the distance, probably racking his brain for my name.

I rolled my eyes at him, crossing my arms and giving him a look of disbelief. We’ve lived across each other for 17 years now and you don’t even know my name? I wanted to blurt to him, but instead I bluntly told him, “Alice.”

He blinked several times, processing the little information I gave him, finally smiling. I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked and how his eyes lit up with his smile. “Now, now Alice, don’t be hasty,” he continued, with a sly smirk, holding his hands up jokingly for defense. “I think the school would be interested to see you in an adorable light pink dress.”

I knew what picture he was talking about. It was the one at my grandmother’s birthday, where she had bought me that light pink strapless tulip dress because she knew I wouldn’t wear anything nice. She even curled my hair and made me smile and everything. Though, I admit, I did look extremely pretty, but not like myself. “You wouldn’t. How did you even get in here?” I already knew the answer, but I wanted him to say it anyways.

He chuckled, pointing to the window. “I know how to remove the screen from the outside.” Brandon replied, running a hand through his hair, messing it up slightly but still looking incredibly styled. “It helped that your mother decided to open the windows. And yes, I would, if I don’t get something in return.” He gave a devilish grin and continued talking. “Why were you there today? That girl I was with said something about you stalking her?”

“Oh, so Tiffany still believes her life is that great,” I spat, clenching my fists and looking at him angrily. “Why are you even asking about her? Isn’t she someone your going to do once and forget about?”

“Oh, so you know my system.”

“I think everyone in school knows of your system. Quit wasting my time, I have four football players downstairs and I’m not afraid to call them.” I threatened impatiently, walking backwards and placing my hand on the door handle.

He gave me a smirk as he casually leaned back against the wall. “You and I both know that I could easily pummel those guys into a pulp, including that brother of yours.”

Biting my lip and furrowing my eyebrows, I let go of the doorknob and crossed my arms over my chest. I knew what he said was true. Heck, I could even beat up my own brother, but that was because I used to fight regularly a few years back and was skilled in a mixture of gymnastics, karate, and kung fu. “Fine, I skip 6th period regularly, okay? I usually go to the bleachers because there’s no gym during 6th period and so it’s a good place not to get caught,” I mumbled, giving a small pout to my lips.

Brandon smirked at my look of defeat. “Don’t worry, I’m not in the mood to beat up your brother and his friends.”

As if on cue, Parker called to me upstairs. “Alice, who are you arguing with?!” He shouted along with his heavy footsteps sounding as he walked up the steps.

I heard Brandon whisper a string of curses as he clenched his fists, looking like he was ready to knock my brother out. “What are you doing?! I thought you weren’t going to fight him!” I whispered-shouted at him, my eyes opening wide in panic. “Get out! I don’t want you beating him up!”

“I can’t climb across the arbor that quickly!” Brandon whispered-shouted back. “I might as well get the first punch.”

I wasn’t going to allow him to do that, so I ran over to him and started pushing him into the bathroom. He, however, didn’t get the hint so we ended up falling to the ground, with him landing on top of me.

“Alice?” Parker questioned from down the hallway, waiting for my response.

“Oh crap,” I whispered, looking into Brandon's eyes, making my breathing hitch. I closed my eyes, now feeling his hard torso against my ches and breathing in his heavenly musky scentt, making my cheeks blush and my skin heat up instantaneously.


Cliffhanger! I do love writing cliffhangers. Thanks for the votes! They meant a lot to me! If you liked the story so far, please vote and/or comment. Seeing those will motivate me to put up another chapter faster. 

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