Sebastian Stan as the Easter Bunny

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Okay no this isn't that at all (but I really wish it was??) ANYWAYS

I was tagged by Haylie_Marie_  thank you so much!!!! Being tagged is always really fun I'm not sure why

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I was tagged by Haylie_Marie_  thank you so much!!!!
Being tagged is always really fun I'm not sure why...

1. I love dogs like a lot. I have 2 and they are amazing but I want a pug really bad
2. My biggest celebrity crushes are Sebastian Stan, Matthew Gray Gubler, and Chris Evans (I feel like two of them came as no shock)
3. I adore makeup. I have been told countless times I wear too much but it's just really fun to wear eyeshadow?? And nice lipstick?? Fun
4. I have liked writing stories since I was in 2nd grade. The first story I remember was a demented story about a killer dog... I was a messed up 7 year old
5. I also really really love art. Drawing and painting are passions of mine
6. I have a new obsession with Melanie Martinez. I'm loving the Crybaby album but I used to love Dollhouse but lost interest in her. It is now back
7. I want a tattoo but I'm 15 so
8. I have dyed my hair four different colors in the past two years. I had a strip of pink, blue tips, a whole head of red and whole head of magenta/pink/red color (what I have now)
9. I like DC a lot as well. I really like The Flash and Arrow specifically
10. I have 12 candles in my room, all varying in scents. Mountain Lodge and Vanilla Lavender are my favorites
11. I have absolutely no clue what I want to do in/after college. I'm interested in Forensic Scientist, Behavioral Analysts (like the team in Criminal Minds), or a writer(long shot)
12. I'm normally a pretty chill person but Marvel is one of the only things that can take me from a 2 to a 3000 in  .5 seconds
13. I love winter because cuddling by myself (or with somebody??? jk I'm so single it's always with a pillow) and watching snow fall or watching movies is one of my favorite things
14. I made a Winter Soldier metal arm out of tinfoil and duct tape and plan on going as him as Halloween this year
15. I want to marry a man like Steve Rogers... That's all really

I tag:
(Also sorry if any of you have already been tagged)
And anybody else who wants too!!!
If you want to do this just say I tagged you

As always please request things! I am very quickly running out of ideas and need something to write. I'm on spring break this week so I'm hoping to put of at least 4 or 5 one shots this week alone

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