Chapter 21- Life At Harvard

Start from the beginning

Around midnight, the football guys got really drunk and they went insane. Andrew Wendell would not keep his hands to himself and he ended up taking some blonde cheerleader to his bedroom. Savannah had gone to look for the bathroom, but she accidentally walked in on the two of them in Andrew's room. The next thing I knew, she was running down the stairs, crying her eyes out.

"Let's get out of here," Savannah stuttered through her tears, dragging me towards the door.

"Hey, where are you girls going?", I heard Damon call out.

"We're leaving!", I yelled over the loud music.

Damon weaved his way amongst the crowd of people and headed over to us. I quickly explained to him why Savannah was crying and then he offered to drive the both of us back to our dorm, since neither mine nor Savannah's car was with us. Besides, the weather conditions weren't meant for walking in anyways.

I didn't see why she had to go crushing on guys like Andrew in the first place. There were so many other guys better than him, like Damon for example. When we arrived, Savannah went straight inside but I stayed behind to talk to Damon for a minute.

"Could you do me a huge favor?", I asked him.

"Sure," he replied with a grin.

"It's about Savannah. I feel really bad for her after what happened at that party with Andrew, so I was wondering if you could maybe ask her out on a date sometime. Just to get her mind off of him, you know?", I said. Damon's face immediately fell.

"Listen, I think Savannah's a really great person, but I can't do that," he lightly objected.

"Why? I'm not trying to be pushy or anything. I just thought that you liked her."

"I do, but only as a friend. Besides, I like someone else," he admitted, absently drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Really? Who?", I asked anxiously.

"Never mind. She probably doesn't even like me back," Damon said with a sigh. I gave him a weird look, but decided to just leave it at that.

"Ok then. Well, I'm gonna head inside now. Thanks for the ride," I replied.

"No problem. Good night."

Little did I know that the minute I stepped out of the car, a look of sadness and defeat had crossed Damon's face.


Christmas was coming up in two weeks and I sure was looking forward to seeing my family again back in Minnesota. Aaron would be flying in from Indiana after his game against the Patriots. My parents had gone to several of the Colts' games already this season.

College made it nearly impossible for me to attend any of my brother's games, which I felt really bad about. He was growing into a star player and I hadn't even been there to support him through any of it. Rumors were going around that the Colts might have a chance of making it to the Super Bowl in February. I promised myself that I'd be there to watch Aaron play if his team did make it.

Savannah and I were outside putting up Christmas lights on our dorm building to get in the holiday spirit. I only had my Harvard sweatshirt on, which probably wasn't the wisest idea. I would've worn my jacket, but I had misplaced it at the mall last week. Stupid, I know.

"Hey, guess what I have," Savannah said when we were back inside to warm up with hot chocolate.

"What?", I asked. She pulled out a pair of tickets from her jean pocket.

"Center ice seats to the Bruins game this Saturday," she replied, trying hard not to scream.

"Oh my god, you're amazing!", I squealed, giving her a huge hug. "How on earth did you get them?"

"Andrew's mom works at TD Garden so she gets a discount. He gave these to me just yesterday," she explained.

"Wait a minute, are you two going out? Is that why you keep going over to the boys' dorm?", I questioned.

"Yup," Savannah confirmed with a dreamy look on her face. "Andrew's so sweet when he's alcohol-free. Hey, is it ok if he comes to the game with us on Saturday?"

"Sure, why not," I said with a smile.

I was happy that Savannah had finally found someone. What happened between Andrew and that cheerleader at the party last week was probably just an accident. He had been drunk, just like most of the other people there. My mind instantly wandered to that night Tyler got drunk at the club back in August. I couldn't believe that it had been nearly four months since that day already. Where did the time go?

That night in bed, I couldn't stop thinking about Tyler. I kept track of the Bruins' game schedule on my laptop, but I sure didn't remember seeing one scheduled for this Saturday in Boston, which was only three days away.

Tyler always called me before every game his team played at the Garden, but why hadn't he called yet? Was he still out of town? I'd give anything just to have him by my side again. When I finally drifted off to sleep, tears began to slowly fall down my cheeks, but I didn't even know it.

A/N- The purpose of this chapter was to introduce you guys to Damon Parker's character. After reading that car scene with him and Christine, I'm pretty sure most of you already have an idea of what was going on inside his head. He will play a very important role in the story later on.

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