"How are you? You're looking well. Do you have anything you would like to say before I make my decision?" Marsden asked.

"I'm fine" Genesis smiled. "I love Olivia and she loves me. I feel safe with her, and I'd like to have her last name. She's already my mom."

"I think that's a very good idea" Marsden winked at Gen.

She watched Genesis return to her seat by Olivia and smiled.

"In light of the information I've received today I find it in Genesis' best interest that she remain in the home of Det. Olivia Benson. Genesis Iyana Craig you will be known from this day forward as Genesis Iyana Benson. Your records are now sealed, and I wish you both the best. Case dismissed!" Marsden said banging her gavel.

Gen looked at her mother and smiled.

"I'm officially yours!" She squeaked.

Olivia wrapped her into a tight hug.

"I know. Forever!" Olivia said her voice thick with emotion.

They left the courtroom, and headed for the park. Olivia decided she would tell Gen her story, hoping Gen would open up.

"Do you want a hot dog?" Olivia asked.

They were walking around each distracted with their own thoughts of 'Where do we go from here?'.

"No thank you I'm not hungry" Gen said quickly.

After receiving a look from her mother she added.

"I don't think I'd be able to keep it down" She winced.

"Let's sit down here. I want to tell you something ok?" Olivia instructed.

"Ok" Gen said.

'Oh fuck! What if mom found my pregnancy test, and now she wants to talk to me about it?!' She thought. She felt her anxiety shoot through the roof.

She wasn't too far off but she had no idea Olivia would tell her what she did.

"I want you to trust me, with everything" Olivia began. "My mom was raped, and as a result she had me. She was a drunk, and she was cruel to me at times. The few times she was sober I thought maybe she really loved me. But I always wondered why she didn't just give me up for adoption. My mother drank herself to death. I'm telling you this to let you know I have secrets and pain too. I trust you. Will you trust me? It's just you and me. We need each other. Will you let me help you?" Olivia asked. Her voice cracking and tears streaming down her face.

Genesis didn't know how to react to her mother being so open with her. She wanted to tell her but she just couldn't. Her mother had been through enough, and she couldn't put her through anymore - knowing everything Gen had been through would only hurt her. She wiped her fingertips underneath her mothers eyes to wipe away the tears.

"I'm sorry that happened to you mom. I'm trying to open up to you but there are some things I can't tell you. I want to but I just can't. It wouldn't be fair to you..." She said her voice cracking.

Olivia grabbed hold of her daughter's hand, and looked into her eyes. They sat that way for quite a while, until Gen shifted uncomfortably.

"What?" Gen asked trying to shrink away.

"When are you going to stop running? I'm not going to hurt you. You know that. I want to know everything about you. You're my daughter, and I won't leave you. I promise." Olivia said softly.

Gen looked away from Olivia and shrugged her shoulders. She sat quietly for a few moments as she thought about how she could explain why she does what she does. She turned back to Olivia.

Law and Order SVU: The Child No One Wantedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें