Chapter Four

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Chapter 4: Ok, I was raped

After Ms. Edwards had left Olivia fell asleep on the couch. She woke not long afterwards because she heard soft shuffling. Her first thought was Genesis. She rushed down the hall, and opened the door to Genesis' room.

Genesis was packing her bags and looked up when Olivia pushed the door open.

"What are you doing?" Olivia asked.

"Packing." Genesis said avoiding her eyes.

Olivia stepped into the room.

"Why? Talk to me." She said slowly stepping closer to her.

"Because...I-I can't" Genesis said looking to the floor.

Olivia moved even closer.

"Yes you can. You can talk to me" She pushed.

"You know I'm bad, you haven't hit me or..." she swallowed "You're going to get tired of me, and send me back like everyone else." she blurted out.

She turned towards Olivia and looked at her. Her big dark brown eyes bearing into Olivia's and piercing her heart.

"I want you to stay. I want to help you, but you have to let me in. I want to adopt you. I love you sweetie"
Olivia said calmly.

Genesis looked at her open mouthed. 'What kind of game is she playing?' she thought. 'And if she's not playing...what does she want from me?' Genesis closed her mouth and stepped away from Olivia.

" one has ever wanted me before" She said so low Olivia almost didn't hear her.

"I want you"Olivia said smiling at her.

"But...last night..."Genesis whispered.

"I think you have alot of things pent up inside of you, and when you're ready I want to hear all of it. I'm not going to give up on you. But I need you to trust me, and talk to me ok?" Olivia said.

She stepped closer to Genesis. And was relieved when she didn't step away. Genesis sat down on the bed.

"You want me? B-But why?You saw what I did. You saw me and you stopped me, and you held me. Why did you do it?" Genesis asked.

"Because that's what people do for the ones they love. I love you, and I will fight for you. No one is ever going to hurt you again" Olivia said lowering herself down beside the girl.

"Oh...maybe you shouldn't. It could be bad for you" Genesis said scooting away.

"Why not? Why do you feel that way?"Olivia said moving closer to her.

"If he finds me, he'll do it again, and hurt you too." Genesis said quietly.

"No. No one is getting near you. I'll protect you. Tell me. Tell me who he is, and what he did." Olivia said softly.

"He...didn't do anything. Just drop it ok?" Genesis snapped.

"You should know I've been at this for a longtime. I'm just as stubborn as you are. I know a victim when I see one. You can deny it all you want to but you were raped Genesis, and I'm judging by the bruises on your thighs, and all over your body it wasn't that long ago" Olivia said folding her arms across her front.

She could tell from the girls body language that she struck a nerve.

"N-no. You're wrong. I-I f-fell and...and nothing happened!" Genesis said.

"How long has it been going on?" Olivia pressed on.

She decided she would have to be patient and use the same tactics she uses on other victims.

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