Chapter 1

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2 years later.

"Mel get your arse up! We are going to be late for class"

Half asleep I turned my back on my friend Sophie and snuggled further under my quilt , no way was I leaving my comfy bed nuh uh!

Two hours sleep just wasn't enough, all night it took me to finish my assignment and no way was she going deprive me of well-deserved rest!, best friend or not, As soon as I started to drop off back to sleep, that's when the prodding started subconsciously I was thinking of all the ways I could commit murder and how I could get away with it.

"I know you are thinking of ways to kill me right now Mel!"

Peeking from under my quilt I just rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm sure she was born with the gift of reading minds!?! No that is impossible I'm going mad or I'm tired yup decently tired! Wait I'm talking to myself I'm not tired I have gone mad!"

"And no we have been over this a thousand times already I don't have super human powers and I can't read your mind I just know how your mind works"

The next thing I know I felt her grip my ankles and began to pull, I grabbed onto my headboard with dear life!

"You will not take me alive" I screeched as I held on as much as I could in my sleepily state.

I felt her let me go and relief washed over me yes I won the war, curling back up I lied there with a smug grin on my face.

My victory was short lived the next thing I knew I was drenched in cold water, that took the grin off my face.

Mel 0 - Soph 1

Admitting defeat I pulled myself out of my now wet bed , my clothes was now clinging to my skin and my drenched hair was stuck to my face, yes I was plotting murder again.

Begrudgingly I ran into the bathroom , I turned on the shower and stripped out of my wet pyjama's and let the hot water cascade down my body it was my way of washing away my demons and it soothed me.

This was my daily routine for the past two years, three years ago I managed to save enough money and flee from my life back in Bristol with Nathan, after he put me in hospital, I think it was my wake up call, I now live with a permanent limp after he pushed my down the stairs, it often gives me a lot of pain most days especially after starting physiotherapy but I'm hoping, in time it will get better.

I remember the night I left him, how I pulled it off I have no idea, the events often replays in my mind, Whilst Nathan was at his local, I packed my stuff and hid my suitcase under the bed, I kept to my usual routine, my nerves were shot, Nathan made no comment or picked up on my unusual behavior.

After he had his dinner he passed out not in his usual spot on the armchair, it had felt like I waited hours for him to drop off but it took barley half hour.

Satisfied he was in a deep sleep, I made my move grabbing my suit case and money I had saved from under the floorboards, I checked on him one more time before leaving, then I was gone.

When I first arrived in London I found it hard, it didn't take long for my money to run out after a few weeks staying in the cheapest accommodation I could find, trying to find a job seemed impossible.

It wasn't long before I found myself on the streets , I pitched the same spot out side a liltle shop on the outskirts of the city everyday hoping to make enough for food , some days I did good others I would go hungry.

That is how I meet my flat mate/best friend Sophie Anderson, She had passed me on many occasions, often giving me a warm drink, I don't whether it was because of our morning chats when Sophie was on her way to work or the fact she felt sorry for me but she took me into her home, offered me shelter, food and warmth. She also got me a job working with her at a local store we both saved and enrolled ourselves in our local college doing an Access to nursing course.

Sophie's father Scott Anderson or Mr. A as I call him also took me under his wing and treated me as his own, he helped by buying us an apartment, he wanted to pay our fee's but we wanted to work and pay for our placements to be more independent, we was both in our early twenties, but it was a step we both wanted to take to better ourselves.

I still hadn't talked to my family even though I have bettered myself I guess I still felt ashamed about the decisions I made at such a young age.

But my life was good now even though Sophie is the closest thing I have to family she doesn't know my past it is something I have left behind and chose only to relive in my nightmares.

After showering I picked the first thing out of my closet some black skinny's and a white tank top, as I was already running late I put my blonde hair up in a messy bun and quickly applied some mascara to my blue eyes, something I always did because it made them look bigger and applied lip gloss, quickly grabbing my bag off my desk, I went to meet Sophie downstairs.

The sweet aroma of coffee filled my nostrils as I approached the kitchen, my breakfast was already prepared and placed on the dining room table.

Sophie joined me at the table and placed my coffee in front of me, taking a bite of her toast she spoke to me it sort of come out as a mumble.

"Err Soph I can't understand a word you're saying with your gob full"

She just glared at me, from across the table, sweet Jesus someone got out of the wrong side of the bed today, after she swallowed her food she repeated her sentence.

"I said we have different lessons again today" with a sigh

It is frustrating even though we are doing the same course, on certain days we got split up into different groups.

"Don't worry we have to same lectures tomorrow"

Sophie shrugged.

"Yeah I guess"

Next thing I knew she jumped up after checking her watch.

"Mel we are so late"

I internally giggled she has always been more academically committed than me , yes I still worked hard to achieve my grades but Soph is a bit of a geek when it comes to college but I doesn't bother me I say good on her.

We both set off for college me running out of the door with a slice of toast still hanging out of my mouth , I must of looked so attractive at this moment in time.

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