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Hey everyone! First off I would like to thankyou for taking your time to read my book! Also I know there is some grammatical errors as I'm not perfect at it, But I hope to find a editor to help me soon :-)



I nervously sat on my worn out couch, chewing my nails. The flat looked the way it has always been, the wallpaper which was originally cream was now peeling off the walls, with a yellow tint due to the nicotine, still the same black ash furniture stood which I got from a local charity shop, at first I felt so proud adding the little bits, I made it feel like home but I felt like it was for nothing.

Nathan was due home any moment and I prayed to god he hadn't been drinking. I glanced over to the dining room table. There his meal sat waiting for him. I had practically run home from my job as a waitress at a shabby run down diner, worried I wouldn't get everything done to his liking. My bruises from last week had only started to heal, the last thing I needed is fresh marks. My work colleagues had already started to ask questions and there is only so many times you say you walked into a door. The first few times they had let it go saying I was clumsy, but now I can see in their eyes my excuse is no longer passable, as the worry in them is visible. But they never probe any further to find out what is going on, which I'm grateful for.

The slamming of the front door made me stand up instantly. I straightened my skirt out, and then brushed back a loose strand of my curly blonde hair which sat unmoving on the blanket of sweat on my forehead. He stumbled through the living room door, and once he got his footing, he stood and eyed me up and down, the smell of alcohol lingered in the air. My heart sank. I bit my bottom lip in anticipation, waiting for his next move as he slowly came closer, and his dark eyes blood shot from another day off heavy drinking. I let out the breath I was holding as Nathan pushed past me. He went straight to his food.

I watched as his scrawny figure swayed on his seat, barely able to put his food in his mouth, he ran his hand through his greasy Auburn hair in frustration as his lack of co-ordination was obviously getting to him, he huffed and attempted to eat again, I lifted my nose up in disgust and had an inner debate with myself wondering how I ever found him remotely attractive!

A angry looking Nathan suddenly appeared in front of me , he practically growled at me as he sto‎od over me , As his warm breath lingered over my skin , I froze in fear , I turned away trying not to gag as stale alcohol filled my nostrils , I instantly zoned out and held my hands tight against my ears as he began to scream profanities at me , not wanting to hear the nasty things coming out of his mouth it was always the same , him letting me know how useless I am and I should be grateful he is letting a whore like me live under his roof.

Nathan noticed my lack of attention to what he was saying and his eyes glazed with anger, I let out a whimper and instantly cowered away from him, retreating against the back of the sofa. I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand, this was my life now...

My heart clenched as the sadness I felt overwhelmed me, I missed my old life my friends and most of all my family, two years had passed since I last spoke to my parents, we had parted on bad terms, they didn't approve of Nathan looking back maybe they saw what I didn't or maybe I refused to see what a vile person he was, hoping for my happy ever after, but my life is far from the fairy-tale as I hoped it would be.

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