Chapter 21.

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I have been patient,
But slowly, I'm loosing faith.

Chapter twenty-onee.

I move my feet heavily to Peter's workroom. I don't know why I do this. And I have no idea where he is either. But I have this feelings he would be at his workroom. And when I peek to the window glass, I'm right.

His table is facing the big window. His forehead creases, and his hair is a mess. He looks like he hasn't slept in a week. He looks so different than earlier.

Yet he still looks so handsome. His glasses are sitting on his nose, and that makes him looks more attractive than he already is. But he looks so serious, so stern. And I'm not sure if I should approach him now or not after seeing him like this.

Plus, we are not in a good condition.

I debate with myself for a while. Would it be awkward to face him now? Will he enjoys my existence or will he gets annoyed by me? But if I---

Oh, darn it.

"Hey," without thinking, I grab the knob and push the door opens. It kind of sounds like I open the door harshly, but it's just because I don't want to change my mind again.

Peter's head instantly snap up as he heard my voice. "Katelyn?" He frowns.

"It's me." I shrug, smiling. I walk slowly towards his desk.

"What you're doing here?"

What am I doing here?

"Am I disturbing?" I question, because I really feel like a distraction now. Not a distraction in the good way. In the bad way. "If it is, I'll just go and come back later and---"

"Hey," he calls. Peter's frown turns into smile. "It's okay."


"What brings you here?"

He still wants to know the reason why I'm here, huh? Being Peter, he couldn't have just dropped it.

"Seeing you? What else." I laugh nervously. I don't know why but I feel kind of nervous being with Peter without shouting or yelling at him. I guess fighting is our thing then? "So what are you doing?"

"Work. As usual."

"I see."

"What changed your mind?" He scans my face.

I open my mouth but close it again because I don't think telling Peter about Queen America visits was a good thing.

I guess the royals don't really like strangers get into their life and knowing their personal business. Though they might be close with someone, in what I see, they still build walls around themselves. And only the other royals can pass through.

"I don't know." I finally say.

"You are making me more confused with a lot of things, Miss Wallis." Peter sheepishly smiles.

"Well just forget about me for a while, instead..." I grin. "Can I help you?"

"Mom and dad are helping me. Well technically this is still Dad's job since I'm not the king yet. But he said I need to practice more about ruling the country. He said that I'm too lazy."

"I must agree with that."

It feels weird. Peter sitting at his chair behind the table and me standing one meter away from the table. This gap between us is slowly killing me. We're not usually being this far.

The Dead Hearts (A Keadlyn Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt