Chapter 5.

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I knew art well.
But if I may ask,
what color is it if green and blue be collided?

Chapter fivee.

I walk in to the room. Prince Peter is standing there, facing the window. He looks perfect from behind. I wonder what his face looks like close up. I walk towards him. Should I tell him I'm here or should he find out himself? But it will be so weird if he saw me sitting on a chair without greeting him,

So I decide to point his back with my finger.

"Jesus Christ!" He jumps facing me. I almost jump as well not expecting his reaction to be that shocked. He look at me intently while he try to control his breath.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to shock you out." I step back, apologizing.

He closes his eyes for a second and when he opens it, his breath is back to normal again. He step towards me.

"It's not a very well first impression, Lady Katelyn," I gasp,

"You knew my name?" I ask him in disbelief.

"Of course I do, my dear," he move to sit on his chair, "sit."

I sit on the chair in front of him.

"So what else do you know about me?"

"Not much," he says, "I know that your name is Katelyn Medell Wallis, you are from Dakota and your age is 17. I also know that your favorite color is navy blue and you are a strong person."

I laugh, he seems so sure about it.

"Um, first of all, Prince Peter, my middle name is Meadow, not Medell. I don't know if I am a strong person because I don't judge myself, and I have no idea how do you know my favorite color."

"Sorry about the Medell thing," he chuckles. He doesn't even feel embarassed. "I'm just guessing about your favorite color. You wear a navy blue dress tonight. So I suppose it must be your favorite."

"You can't conclude my favorite color based on the dress I wear tonight. My maid made them before I came here. And you're just lucky." I do my one-sided smile.

"Very smart," he teases, "type of a true future queen."

I blush. Hard.

"Are you flirting with me?" I try to hide my blush but it doesn't working, "can't help it I'm blushing,"

"You're cute when you blush, " He smirks, "you should do that more often."

That makes me blush again.

"Stop flirting and don't smirk!" I laugh.

"Are you ordering me? You can't order the prince, my dear,"

"Stop it with the dear, I'm not your dear."

"Yeah right," he laughs, "so you're not interested in knowing me?"

"To be honest, I don't." There is a flash of sadness across his face. "I don't not want to know."

I smirk while he is trying to study my sentence and when he suddenly realize it, he grows his smile and embraces me.

"You caught me of guard,"

"I did."

"You play me twice,"

"If you only knew, I'm smarter,"

"You owe me two times,"

"We don't have any deal,"

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