Chapter 15.

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Whatever our souls are made of,
his and mine are the same.
- Wuthering Heights

Chapter fifteen.

"Are you sure you love him?" Alicia asks.

Yes. I'm telling my stories with Alicia right now. I don't know why but among my three maids, I just seem to trust the girl over here, who is sitting in front of me with her big gray eyes.

"Well, I think so."

"Love is not about what you think, Miss. It's about what you feel." She smiles.

"You're right." I sigh. "Well I have no idea. I mean why are you even asking me that? That is sort of private."

I don't leave a single part left of my story untold. Except from my past with Aaron, Alicia knows everything.

"So are you going to tell me or not?" She teases.

"How if I answer I don't know yet?"

"That means no." She answers shortly.

"But I feel something whenever I'm with him! More than something actually." I pout.

"It's the comfortable feeling, not the love feeling like what you think. And it is also pleasure."

"Pleasure?" I frown. "What is this has something to do with pleasure?"

"You like it when he kisses you, Miss. You like it when he touches you. It's normal actually. We're in this age." She moves her hand upside down in front of her chest.

"No way." I crinckle in disgust.

"Just admit it." She presses.

Is it because he is the first person I've ever kissed?

"Why do you even dare to talk to me like that." I sigh, saying more to myself than to her.

"You trust me your feeling. And I feel the need and must to help you deal with whatever you are feeling right now. It's a big opportunity for maids like me."


"I'm serious. So that means you don't love him. Simple as that!" She claps her hands one time.

"You have no idea what I'm feeling right now." I rest my face onto my palm. We are sitting on the floor.

"I don't really care to be honest." She laughs.

"You just said that you care like a minute ago!" I wave both of my hands in the air.

"No I didn't. I said that I must help you and solve your problems."

"Ugh," I roll my eyes, "you should be some kind of physiologist or something like that."

"Good to know that you know my ambition. It's plastered on my face isn't it? Alicia is a physiologist?" She jokes.

"Yeah it is!" I beam sarcastically. "You're sixteen right?"

"Actually seventeen this December. Technically, we're at the same age."

"Why do you work as a maid anyway?"

"Ouch," she looks offended.

"Not that I'm offending you, sorry though. I mean why didn't you enter the selection like me?"

"You do know that age sixteen is not allowed to work anywhere except being a maid, right? Besides I need more money before for my family. I need to find a decent job quickly. Better be a maid at the castle than being a maid for the Twos or Threes." She states like it was so obvious. "Plus, after working here, we can't enter the selection. I didn't think of that before. Stupid me."

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