Chapter 9.

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How could I get you off my mind?
When you're looking so fine, fine.

Chapter ninee.

"Every time he hugs you, he ignore you for a week? That's messed up."

"It is." I roll my hair with one of my hands. "And, not to mentioned that I have met Sir Divers."

It's been another week after that stupid scene. Two weeks I have stayed here. Two weeks lefting just the twenty two of us.

"What is your issue with him anyway?" Amanda is rolling on top of her bed. I'm glad Drew is not here for now.

"It's a long crappy story. I'm sure you don't want to hear that." I cringe.

"I do want. Tell me." She practically ordering me.

I have always wanted to share this story with someone else. Except Callan, whom doesn't reply my letter yet which makes me pissed off a little, I have never mentioned this story to anyone, even my mom.

"I'm ready to hear?" Amanda rolls her eyes.

"Okay. So, around three years ago...." I tell her the whole story not lefting any moments untold. Amanda's jaw opens when I tell her the last part. She doesn't seem to trust my story but that's how it really is. I can't believe myself for telling her this either. But I feel like weight on my shoulder have been lifts off.

"That's a pretty crappy awesome story." Amanda frowns. I agree.

"So what am I supposed to do?" My mouth is pressing into a thin line. "I haven't saw him this last week, though."

"He is probably too busy hating on you. From what I heard, Sir Divers is a fun guy. Well, I have no idea to be honest."

"Yeah..." I don't know what to say.

"I think I owe you a story to hear," Amanda gulp, "and I'm ready for you to hear this. Just promise me, don't freak out."

I nod. Curiosity is dancing all over me again.

"I think I like Drew," she whispers. I almost scream but she covers my mouth. "No, not like. I guess, love."

"You've got to be kidding me!" I squeal.

"I know, I know. I'm so fucked up, I know." She repeats the I knows too many times. "But I can't help it. This two weeks makes me questioned myself even more. I'm ready to be kicked out of here anyway, it's just---"

"No!" I shout. "Hell no you're going out of here leaving me alone." My voice's lower. "No." I cross my hands in front of me.

"That's exactly what I'm going to say. I don't want to leave you here. And after hearing your crappy story I don't think I could. And actually with me being here, I could spend more time with Drew. It's just the possibilities of being caught makes me so nervous."

"You're nervous of being caught all this time?" I'm quiet surprised. She doesn't seem like it.

"Duh, yess, Katelyn. Even though I'm pretty relax about this all the time in front of you, deep inside I feel scared," she pauses, "no, I did not say that I'm scared. Forget it, ugh."

"Good then." I hiss. "You can never, ever," I emphasize, "leaving me here."

"Have it your way then." Amanda sighs. I love girls's talk. I've never had this my whole entire boring life.

"Has Reevan talked to you yet?" Amanda asks. Surprisingly, I laugh at the thought.

"Yes once. It's pretty embarrassing moment actually. We were sitting on a bench at the back garden and he fall over the bench for no reason. It's a little weird, but his face is so funny. Can't help it." I laugh.

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