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These are mostly old stories written for school or in a fit of whimsy. Many of them were influenced by my friends, and some of them do not make sense. But they were fun to write and maybe you'll find them amusing.

Chapter 1: Zombunnies

Rabbits may not be the cute and cuddly creatures you think...

Just an idea that sprung to mind one rainy afternoon.

Chapter 2: On Tuesday

"When pigs fly" is no longer just an expression.

Written as a school assignment in grade 7.

Chapter 3: Flatulence, Dragons and Marshmallows

Peculiar explorers and dragons with weird fetishes and fatal flatulence problems.

My younger brother helped me write this when he was about ten, so it's pretty much what you'd expect.

Chapter 4: Spread Your Wings

Did you ever wish you could just run away from your problems?

Written as practise for a twelth grade literacy test.

Chapter 5: The Measured Passage of Time

For some people time is more than just the progression from one moment to another.

Written as practise for a twelth grade literacy test.

Chapter 6: Bite Me, Please?

Not your typical vampire love story.

Recently there have been many human-vampire love stories popping up, and in my opinion it's just not logical. Here's how it really happens.

Chapter 7: In Every Raindrop a Rainbow

Some people miss the rainbow because they're too busy searching for that pot of gold.

A reconstruction of a story written during an exam. The exam was never returned, so this is slightly different from the original.

Chapter 8: Once Upon a Cloud

Not every beanstalk ends in riches, and not all giants are evil.

A school assignment in which we had to turn a fairytale upon its head. (Not sure how successful I was.)

Chapter 9: Australiana

Sometimes foreign countries can be far too familiar for comfort.

Yet another school assignment. This one was constructed around Australian stereotypes.

Chapter 10: Dragon-Ducky

Move over dogs: mankind has a new best friend.

A rather whimsical short story written in response to a challenge by a friend. (I made them write about a flying bath tub in return. Hah!)

Chapter 11: James' Revenge 

Be kind to the people around you, for they aren't always what they seem.

My first and only horror story, written for a dear friend on her birthday.

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