Something Unexpected

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Normal Pov *

* A few months pass *

You turned your life around after your ablution a few months back and you decided that you were going to protect Yato and Yukine, who help you get over your bad past. You helped Yato out with the jobs he got. You also had a mission that you couldn't tell Yato about it.

(M/n)'s Pov *

I was busy tidying up the shrine even tho it wasn't Yato's but Tenjin's old shrine. I look over at Yato who was blurring on about getting his own shrine and what it will look like. I sigh and continue to sweep the floor. Yukine says " Man, Yato when are you going to stop saying that? It is kind of getting old. It won't happen." Yato says " Just you wait..." as he pulls his bottle that was filled with 5 Yen coins and continues " when I get more jobs and save up enough to buy my own shrine, it will be huge. I know it will be huge and it will put the other gods to shame." I stop and fold my arms as I stop sweeping and walk over to Yato and Yukine.

I say" oh really? is it going to be huge?" Yato says " yep it will be huge and you and yukine will get your own rooms." I smile and say" wow that's amazing but tell me Yato, how do you know that it will be exactly the way you described it?" Yato says " I know so cause I have this" Yato pulls out charm and continue to say " a fortune teller told me that this lucky charm is real one that will make all my dreams come true and she said that it was the only one that was rare" I took it from Yato's hand and looked at it. I asked " is this the a rare charm?" He nods. I look at the back and says" it says' made from plastic' "

Yato says " Huh?" I hand it to Yukine. Yukine says " yeah it looks like a kid's toy that you get in a cereal box. Umm Yato how much was it?"  Yato says " 10 000 Yen." I shout " Wha!!!!?" Yukine shouts " what the hell man! For a stupid thing?!" Yukine says "  (M/n)!" As he tossed it to me and I took it and threw it far away. I sigh and say " Yato, you must not believe in what fortune tellers tell you. I know if you work hard to make your dream become real then do it and I will help you along the way. We are in this together cause your dream becomes our dream. Is that right Yukine?" Yukine nods.
Yato looks at me and I say" Don't worry Yato, I made a promise to protect you from any that harms you and here's another promise that you will have your own shrine that you can call home, I'll make sure it will." Yato was on the verge of tears and says "  (M/n)ne, Yukine. Thank you." I smile. Yato smiles and his phone rings. Yato says " Hey this is Yato and thanks for calling. How can I help?" I look at him as he has a huge smile on his face. I say" Yuki?" He says" yes?" I say " I know that Yato will get his own shrine and I will get it for him but I need your help" Yukine says " yes of course " I say " I will tell the details later. " Yukine nods. Yato ends the call.

Yato says " we got a job!" I say " Awesome!" We leave for it..

*a few minutes later *

We arrived there and saw a phantom but it was huge and this job required that we get rid of it. Yato says " Come Okami! " I transform into the sword. Yato attacks it but it kept on regenerating. I say " Yato, this phantom is different. Yato looked around and saw a kid looking at the phantom and they were sort of healing it. Yato says " that kid is possessed by the phantoms so he can't be saved. " I growl and Yato attacked again but the kid dodged it.

Then the kid disappeared. Yato says " Damn it! " I say " Yato" He says " Revert (M/n)" I turned back into my human form. I look at Yato and say" Yato, I want to be stronger..." Yato looks at me and says " stronger? Why?" I look away and say " Cause I couldn't defeat that phantom, I let you down." I ran away from Yato and Yukine. Yato shout " (M/n)ne!!!"

As I continued to run, I think ' Man, how could I let that phantom get away? I'm a failure. I want to protect Yato but how can I when I can't even fight.' I stopped when I heard a water drop and a voice speak. " Why are you trying so hard to do that for a God who isn't popular?" I say " huh?" I turned and saw a girl (I forgot how Nora looks). I walk backwards and say" who the heck are you? " she says" oh didn't Yato or Yuki tell you about me, especially Yato?" I say " no they didn't. What do you mean by that?" As she walked towards me.

She says " My my what poor little boy. Yato left you in the dark...If I were you I would rather just stayed dead cause you are no use to him." As she was about to attack me. " Come Okami! " I transformed and flew into Yato's hand. Yato says " Hey , don't you forget that whatever you think, I hear it. And don't blame yourself cause you are strong and you are not a failure." I say " I'm sorry, I ran away from you."

Yukine says " (M/n), we are stronger when we are together so don't you forget!" I smirk and say " yeah " Yato says " What do you want Nora?" She says " oh you know what I want. It's been ages since you called my name, Yato." Yato says " I don't need you anymore. I think it's time that I release you. " Yato calls her name and end tieds with her and she says as she disappeared" you will regret it." Yato sigh and say" I don't regret anything as long as I have Yukine and (M/n)" as I transform back. I looked at Yato and say " what did she mean by you haven't called her name in ages?" Yato says " well, you see I was the God of calamity and she was my Regalia and with her I killed people including Bishamon's Regalias cause they were harming her. Kazuma was the one who came to me about it. " I say " now understand why Bishamon wants to kill you cause of that. I don't think that it was bad, you look like a hero in my eyes."Yato says " I wish It was simple but I rather not go near her." Yato walks on as we follow.

We get back to the shrine but then Yato decided to go for a walk. I say " Yato?" He turned around and looked at me. I ask " where are you off to? " He says " I just need to clear my head, don't worry about me. I'll be fine." As he walks on.

Yato's Pov *

As I walk away from the shrine, I think about what (M/n) said...

* flash back*

"Yato, I want to become stronger..."

*flash back ends*

I stop as I look up to the sky and say" why do want to be strong when you already are, (M/n)?" I sigh as I look down. "Why?" I hear a voice saying. I looked around and saw the little kid as he says " Why?" I look at him as he looks up at me and yelled " WHY DID YOU TAKE MY BROTHER AWAY FROM ME! " as he came towards me. I moved out of the way and say" huh? Your brother?" He continues to attack me.

I suddenly fell back and was about to get hit by this kid who was possessed by a phantom so I closed my eyes waiting for the impact but nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw.....

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Author : hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry I took forever to update it. Please comment and vote on it.

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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