Your promise to Yato

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Normal Pov *

You look at Yukine after what he said. You slowly walk back as you say" I swear I did nothing wrong" Daikoku came back with a Regalia named Maya. Daikoku says " I need one more Regalia.

Yukine says " I'll do it...." Daikoku looks at him and ask " Are you sure you want to do it? " Yukine nods as he glares at me. You growl as you look away and walked away but Hiyori stood in front of you.

You say" What! Hiyori move out of the way." She says" you are not leaving until Yato is better. " you growl and look at Yato laying on the ground. Maya says" Yato~san! you have to release (M/n)" you look at Yato as he shake his head from side to side, meaning No.

You growl as you say " just release me so you don't have to deal with me!" Yato looks at you and shakes his head again saying No. Maya says" he won't release (M/n), so that means we have to do it." They look at you. You growl and look down. You were about to walk away when a guy stopped me.

Daikoku says " Kazuma...?" He looks at Daikoku and nods. Kazuma looks at you and ask" (M/n) where are you off to? " You say " not any of your business." He looks at you as he pushes his glasses up. He says " okay then you won't mind taking off your shirt." You ask" what for?"

Daikoku says in a deep scary tone "take your shirt off." You took off your shirt and say" there you happ..." you stopped talking when you hear a phantoms voice squeak. Everyone stared at you in shock. Kazuma says" this is bad..." You looked at your body and saw eyes on your stomach and arms.

You yell" GET THEM OFF ME!" Maya looks at Daikoku and nod. Daikoku says " Yukine let Kazuma do it with us. " Yukine says " I want to do it." Daikoku says" you are a bit too young to do this."

Yukine nods as Maya, Daikoku and Kazuma surrounded you. You are kicking and scream for the phantoms to get off you. 

(Watch the video and see what Maya, Daikoku and Kazuma all say before starting the Cleansing)

They put you in the triangle shape. You stood there as you try to get out of it. Daikoku says" (M/n), what have you done?" You shout" If I did, why the hell will I tell you!" You punch the barrier that kept you from escaping.

You growl and shout " what the hell did I do to deserve this!" You try to get out of there. Yato cough out blood. Yukine shouts" (M/n) what did you do? Confess your sin!" You look at him and say " you won't know yukine...." you scream in pain as they make it a bit smaller.

You fall onto your knees as you slowly transform into a half phantom. You have larger wings than yukine had and half your body was phantom.


Yato's Pov *

As I laid there on the ground, I looked at how (M/n) was transforming and I saw that the phantoms was moving towards his mark. I whisper " I need ...his name!" I couldn't utter his name.

(M/n)'s Pov *

I tried to get out of there and I scream from all the pain...I slowly get flash back of what I went through...

*flash back *

I walked to where I use to live. I started to throw rocks at the windows. I kissed Yukine after all that. I walked down the road as I saw a family with their son. I took a baseball bat and smashed every window and I shed tears as I did that.

*flash back ends *

I shout" what if I could steal it all and why can't I get it? You guys should understand me cause we are all dead and you also should know what it's like...." I look at all of them and my voice becomes deep as I say" we don't get anything of it..."

Hiyori says "(M/n) don't go over to the other side!" I look roar loudly and she fall back. Yukine come help Hiyori up. Yukine says" (M/n) don't go over to the other side. If you go over on that side...I will hate you forever" I roar more as I try to get out of there.

Hiyori says " if you go there then we are not brother and sister!" I look at her and say" brother...." I growl as the tears ran down my cheeks.

Yato's Pov *

I lay there and saw an image of (M/n) walking towards the other side. I think' I must...I must call his name before I lose him... forever..." I try to get up.

(M/n)'s Pov *

I look at Hiyori as I slowly calm down. Yukine says " yeah, if you go there we won't be your friends." I says" friends....?" I growl as try to get out but then I heard a voice I never thought that would speak.

Yato shouts "  (M/n) I know you deserve to be part of a family and you really want to be loved and I want you live like you are a real person......"

Yato's Pov *

I continued " (M/n)! Live your life and we all care about you. So Live (M/n)! I grant you a life now, Live it!" As I held my hands out to him.

(M/n)'s Pov *

I look at Yato as he held his hand out to me. I shed tears and say" I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Yato...I broke things and I kissed Yukine and stoled money...I'm so sorry please forgive me, Yato"
I fall to my knees as endure the pain... Everyone smiled with relief and I looked up at Yato as I saw a smile on his face with proud in his eyes as he looks me.

*Next morning *

Yato and I sit there as Kofuku hits us on our backs. I sigh in pain. Yato looks at me and side hugs me and says" (M/n) I'm glad you are okay." I look at him and says" I'm so sorry Yato for all the pain I caused you."

Yato smiles and says" it's okay (M/n), I know how you feel cause I feel what you feel." I look at him as he continues " okay, promise me something (M/n)." I look at him and say" yes Yato?" He says " promise that you will tell me when you feel hurt or sad and we can sort it out and promise me that whatever you do, that you will protect me."

I look at him and say" I promise Yato with all my life and soul..." as I hug him and he hugs me back.

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Author : hi guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for not updating sooner. Please comment and vote. If you want me to update any other stories, let me know cause I may have a writer's block.

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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