Creepy eyes are watching you

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( Hey this is an idea from a buddy of mine ' you know who you are ;) ' Thanks )

Normal Pov *

* 2 months later *

You became friends with Kaoru and lately you and him have been hangout. You also helped Yato with a few jobs. You kept wondering about what you felt towards Kaoru.

You always had this feeling for quite sometime that you are been watched but you acted like it was nothing. You and Yukine were hanging out with Yato at his shrine.

Yato says " (M/n) and Yuki we are going to visit Kofuku and Daikoku." You look at him and ask " who are they?" Yato says " you will find out." You sigh and get up. Yukine says " (M/n) I need to talk to you. " you look at him and nod.

He takes you to somewhere you guys can talk. You look at him and say " yes Yuki, what do have to say?" He looks at you and say " do you remember the time you went to your house and I came to find you" you say" yeah I remember, what about it?" He sighs and says " when I told that what you were doing is hurting Yato...." You nod. Yukine says " and you kissed me" you say " yeah I know I did so is that why you wanted to talk to me?" You see yukine is blushing. You realise that he likes you or in this case, a crush on you. You smiled and say " Yuki do you like me?" Yukine looks up at you and say " you (M/n)" you smile and say " I like you too Yuki but not more than friends. " He looks away as his smile disappeared.

He just nod and walks away but you grab him and pull him into a tight hug. Yukine hugs you back but just as tightly as you. You look down at him as he looks up at you. You and Yuki gazed into each other's eyes. Yukine moves his face closer to yours but you turn your head away and say" Yuki we are just friends."

Yukine sighs and let's go of you. He walks away as he feel a bit heartbroken. You felt bad cause you broke his heart. You walk back. As you walked towards Yato and Yukine, a person who was watching you all the time smiled and says " You are mine (M/n) and no one can have you that I will make sure of."

You guys go visit Kofuku and Daikoku. You found out that she was the God of disaster. Kofuku says " Yato~San who is this cute boy with you and Yuki? " Yato says " guys meet (M/n) my second Regalia. " You look at him as he looked at you and nod. Kofuku comes to you and pulls on your cheek and says " you are so cute I could just eat you up." You let a sweat drop down cause she was right over you. Daikoku says " Kofuku that's enough you scaring (M/n)" she gets up and says " Awwww but he is to cute and I bet all the girls go crazy and fangirl over him. "

You sigh and remember that no girl fangirled over you when you were alive. You were a nobody but you did have girlfriends that you didn't last with and that is why you start to like guys more. You sigh and say" well I never had fangirls before so yeah" she ask" why?" Yato says " it too painful to explain. Right (M/n)?" You nod.

You guys spend most of the day there.

*later on *

You are sitting there by the shrine and decided to take a walk. Yato knows you like to take a walk to clear your head. You looked at Yukine but he didn't look at you cause of what happened today.

You sigh and went for a walk. You decided to go to visit Kaoru as you took your walk.

(M/n)'s Pov *

I walk along the street looking at all the people. I see a couple walk pass me holding hands. I sigh and continue to walk around.

I walk pass a alley way when I heard a sound. It sounded like crying, a little girl's cry. I wanted to ignore it and think ' someone will hear it' but there was no one around. I stop and turn around as I went down the alley way.

I say " it's okay little girl, I won't harm you . " I hear the crying getting louder and louder as I walk towards it. I come to where I heard it. It suddenly stopped and I sigh and say " someone must of found her and took her home. " as I turned around, I suddenly got knocked out cold. I lost consciousness as the person tied me up and took me away.

Normal Pov *


Yato is laying on the steps waiting for you to return. Yukine says " Yato why does (M/n) get to walk around and I can't? " Yato sighs and says " Cause he is much older than you and if I don't let him go, I end up in a world of pain." Yukine says " oh okay " Yato says " besides he is tough and he can handle it. "

*1 hour later *

Yato starts to worry about you and is wondering where you are. Yukine says " (M/n) is never this late. Where could he be? " Yato says " let's go find him." They leave to go find you.

~meanwhile ~

You slowly wake up to see you are tied up and can't move. " are you comfortable my angel? " a voice said. You look around and say" who the hell are you?" You just hear them chuckle....

You think ' If I become angry or afraid, Yato will feel what I feel.' You make the emotion that you are scared and fearing for your life.

Yato stops as he places his hand on his chest. Yukine says " what is it Yato? " Yato says " I feel afraid and scared..." Yukine says " it's (M/n) he is in danger " they continue to look for you...

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Author : hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry I took so long to update it, was very busy with my studies and exams. I will be updating as soon as possible. Please comment and vote. If you have any ideas for me please tell me in a comment.

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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