Yato's worst nightmare has just began...

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Normal Pov *

* 3 months later*
* the next morning*

You are walking around, among the people who can't see you....go to where you used to live and you saw the family was celebrating that you were dead. You heard them say " (M/n) was a pain in the and I glad that he is dead....that moron " they started to laugh. You shed tears and think ' they still call me that and I'm dead because of them. Wait! Let me scare them...' you smirk .

(M/n)'s Pov *

I take rocks and throw them through the windows as they break the glass, the family is getting scared now and wondering what's going on . I smirk and say" that's what you get for abusing me all those years and for trying to bring me down all the time . I won't let you guys sleep well tonight "

I continued to throw rocks....

Normal Pov *

* somewhere else*

Yato starts to feel pain and he says "(M/n) what are you doing? " yukine sees this and goes to find you....

Yukine's Pov *

I wonder what (M/n) is up to...I go find him...

(M/n)'s Pov *

I pant after throwing the rocks and they are scared now and fearing their lives.

I smile and now I'm satisfacted and start to walk away....As I walk and I see yukine coming towards me....and say " (M/n) what did you do?" I look confused and says " I didn't do anything why you asking? "

He says " you did something...." I walk over to him and say" I just walked around the city...I had something on my mind so I needed to clear my head. " he looks upset and says" (M/n) I'm serious you did something wrong and it is affecting Yato "

I ask " what do you mean?" He started to explain about that what the Regalia do to their masters....I don't listen but I just decided to do something that surprise him . I kissed him and his eyes widen....He pushes me away and say" (M/n) what the hell ?" I don't smile and say " I like you Yuki " and walk away from him .

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He touches his lips and think' I can't believe it ' and he start to think about you and the kiss....

Meanwhile, Yato says " what am I feeling now? Yukine and (M/n) having different feelings...."

Yato's Second Regalia (Male X reader )Where stories live. Discover now