You meet the God of War through a fight

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(Hi guys, no one commented so I will continue my story but I'm still planning that Idea in my author's note...)

Normal Pov *

* 2 weeks pass*

You are walking with Yato and Yukine. Yato looks at me and says" okay" (M/n) I need to teach you how to make a border line between you and a phantom in order to protect yourself..." You look at him with no interest...Yukine says " I'll show you (M/n)..You put your two fingers in a pointing position and say' border line' and draw an line like this" and he takes his fingers and draws a line between him and the phantoms.

The phantoms run off cause they are scare of the border line. Yato grabs a tiny phantom and says" okay (M/n) it's your turn..." and places the phantom down in front of you. You look at the phantom as It walks towards you. You do what Yukine did and you shout" Border Line!" And draw a line between you and the phantom.

The phantom screeches and runs off. Yato says " well done (M/n)..." You nod and put your hands in your pocket. Hiyori says" Hey Yato and yukine..." you look at her, she has a pink cat like tail. Yato says " Hiyori!" She looks at you as you look away from them. She ask" who is that?" Yato says " oh that's my second Regalia, (M/n)."

She smiles and hugs you. Your eyes go wide as she hugs you. You turn around looking down at her. She says " hi (M/n) I'm Iki's nice to meet you " you slowly get a smile on your face and says" same here Hiyori..." she starts to blush...cause you are quite a good looking guy. She let's go and you and her have a nice conversation as you all take a walk.

*later on *

You are sitting there with a sleeping Hiyori on your shoulder. You smile at her...and start to think ' I wish I knew my real parents and I wonder if I have any brothers or sisters that I never knew about..'

Yato heard your thoughts that you were thinking. He sighs and softly say " I can help you (M/n)'s part of my job..." as he looks at you as you are watching over Hiyori. Yato suddenly growl , Yukine ask" what's wrong Yato?" You look at Yato as well. Yato looks up and says" Bishamon! " You look to where he looking and see a woman on a lion looking down at Yato.

Yato says" Come Sekki! " and yukine transforms into the sword. As Bishamon comes down and says" I told you I would find you and this time finish the job..." Yato says" tsh! I will continue to say that you must let go of the past..." Bishamon attacks him.

You sit there and watch them fight. Hiyori wakes up and sees yato fighting with Bishamon. You get up and Hiyori says" (M/n) ain't you gonna help Yato..?" You sigh and say" he didn't call my name..."

You continue to watch...Yato is laying on the ground and Bishamon says" I never liked you and you call yourself the God of calamity? " she is about to give her final attack when you stepped in...

(M/n)'s Pov *

I stand between Yato and Bishamon and says" Border Line! " and draw it between her and me. I say " Why do you want Yato dead?" She says" he killed one of my Regalia..." I shake my head and continues " You taken revenge on him because of one small deed..." I look back at Yato says" I had to other wise Bishamon would of died ".

I say" and you suppose to be the God of War , Bishamon and you are carrying on like someone with hatred towards another God for something so small and that was in the past..." I look at Yato and continue " I believe in you Yato and Bishamon but if is the way you guys carry on then you will lose a believer like me even tho I'm dead...but still...what would the people say if they knew their two Gods are fighting over something that happened in the past..."

I start to walk away as my border line disappears and say" continue your fight but just remember you have lost a believer...."

Yato gets up and Bishamon looks at Yato and is think about what I just said...and so does Yato. I continued to walk away when Yato says" You're right about everything (M/n) I'm sorry for doing this ." Bishamon says" You're right this is not a way Gods are supposed to act..." I stop and turn my head to one side and say" I know you guys mean it but you have to work on it in order to get me to believe in you again..." Yato hiss in pain as I walk on...

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Author : hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please do comment on this and also my idea for (M/n) to have brothers or sisters is still open to your ideas....

Stay Awesome Guys ;)


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