Chapter 25

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He turned towards me, as I staggered back with my wand still raised at im. "Ya know, I could easily use that same spell to slit yer throat! " he growled. With a flick o' his wand, he disarmed me. With another flick, I felt a scathing pain an' blood trickling down my cheek, as he cut me. "I like leaving scars though. Let's have some fun, shall we? " he muttered. I felt myself levitating before he flung me into a tree! "I like this better than the Cruciatus Curse actually! Dontcha? It's more fun, isn't it? Regret doin whatcha did yet? " he asked, grinning as I fell to the ground an' scrambled about for my wand. I looked up at im as he appeared to ponder o'er the next spell he'd use. The wand was nearly in my reach, when I heard im  utter Ossis Effergo an' I heard a cracking sound like a bone snapping an' a scathing pain in my wrist! "I'd have easily broken yer wand, but breaking bones is more painful, isn't it? " he mocked, as I choked back tears. "Don't cry! You got yerself into this...." he began to remind. He never finished his sentence, as I used my good hand to pull his leg an' bring him crashing down! I picked up my wand. "What a Muggle thing to do! " he groaned, struggling to stand up. "I've got a spell for you too,Barty. I hope you like scars! " I muttered, before slashing my wand at im an' uttering Sectumsempra! It was a spell that my godmum had taught me in order to defend myself. I didn't know how powerful it was till now. Barty howled in pain, as a cut appeared across his chest an' a bloody stain spread across his shirt. I slashed my wand twice, cutting him in the face an' slitting his wrist. I couldn't bring myself to slit his throat, so I left im there an' made my way back to Minnie to help her. She clung to me. I comforted her as she cried. "Is he...? " she asked with a whimper, glancing at the spot where he lay. "He'll probably bleed to death." I muttered, hugging her closer. Unfortunately, I was wrong! "That's it! Playtime's over!" I heard im grunt, as he weakly rose up, grabbin at his wand an' with a final burst o' energy , he pointed it towards me, before yelling- Avada Kedavra! I shut my eyes in horror. "Barty,no! " I heard Minnie cry out in protest. When I opened my eyes, she lay dead at my feet.
A tear rolled down my cheek as I realised what had happened. She'd thrown herself in front o' me to save me!
A shocked Barty put away his wand an' ran over,staring down at her still body, before breaking down.  "No! No! Please, God, no! She can't be.... I...I didn't mean to...." he stuttered, as he knelt beside her, picking up her limp body in his arms an' wept. "I'm sorry!" the inconsolable Death-Eater screamed, before burying his face into her neck an' sobbing. I moved towards im, reaching out a hand to comfort im.

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