Chapter 10

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"I dunno what's gotten into im, Minnie. He's been actin like he's hidin somethin from me, been isolatin imself from us...even visitin the Restricted Section secretly! I mean, Barty's never been one for flouting the rules, ya know? " I confessed to Minnie later. "Maybe he's just preparing for the Triwizard Tournament. The participants are known to isolate themselves in preparation, no? Perhaps, Barty is just browsing through the books in the Restricted Section for help in completing the tasks. I've heard they can be really tough and you've to fight off these ferocious mystical creatures and sometimes only powerful dark magic can defeat these creatures!" she assumed. I remembered that we'd persuaded Barty to enter his name into the Goblet of Fire, ever since Professor Dumbledore had announced that they were attempting to resurrect the dangerous Tournament. He'd refused at first, saying it was only meant for athletes. But, we'd persuaded im by tellin im that it was meant for skilled wizards an' involved more magic than muscle. He'd agreed to it then. But, I was still doubtful whether that was the reason for his behavior.  "Yea...Perhaps... But, Minnie...what if it's more than that? Maybe, I should talk to Professor Dumbledore about it. I mean, I should tell someone! " I decided. So, I did.

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