Chapter 23

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"Goin somewhere? " I asked, as he prepared to leave the next day. "Diagon Alley. I'm meeting someone there who might be able to find us a safe haven." he replied. "Oh, good! Can I come with? Minnie an' I might do some shoppin." I asked, knowing he'd sneak off to Knockturn Alley. "What? No! Yer gonna get killed out there! " he replied, flaring up at my request. "Oh! C'mon! She hasn't been out in a long time. We'll be careful." I promised. After a lotta persuasion, he agreed to let us tag along. "Just apparate outta there if you see trouble brewing or use a Disillusionment Charm or an Invisibility Spell or..." he advised. "We'll be alright! Stop worryin! " I interrupted.
We apparated to Diagon Alley. An excited Minnie began store hoppin, while I kept an eye on Barty. I saw im disappear into the crowd an' followed im as he entered Knockturn Alley an' headed to Borgin an' Burkes. I hid an' watched as he met his fellow Death-Eaters,including that crazy Bellatrix. "Igor Karkaroff might be able to help ya. The Dark Lord's known im for years. He might be able to provide you an' your girlfriend a safe haven at his school in Scandinavia." she informed. "I'm not going to Scandinavia! It's too far away." Barty complained. "I don't care, you spoilt boy! It's yer only choice. It's what the Dark Lord wants. Yer his most loyal follower, aintcha? You wanna stay outta Azkaban, then you've gotta do stuff that you don't want to, kay?" she replied, annoyed by his stubbornness. "Fine. I'll do it. Now, are you sure this school, it's safe? " a hesitant Barty asked. "It's Durmstrang. It's notorious for its acceptance of the Dark Arts an' its unacceptance of Muggle-borns! " the evil witch replied cheekily, cackling at her own joke. "But, beware of Igor. He can be a bit of a snitch! " she warned. I gulped, as Barty turned around. I hid outta sight an' hoped he hadn't seen me. I snooped on em, as soon as he had his back turned towards me. I watched as he lowered his gaze an' pinched the bridge o' his nose, as if in deep thought. "I guess, we're going to Scandinavia ,then! " he agreed, with a sigh.
I didn't wait any longer. I hurried back to Diagon Alley. I found Minnie tryin on clothing at Twilfitt and Tatting' . I signaled to her that I would be back, before peerin o'er my shoulder for any sign o' my mysterious friend. I jotted down everything I'd heard using my self-writing quill, before hurryin o'er to Eeylops Owl Emporium. The manager was a dear friend an' allowed me to borrow an owl, so I could pass on all the information to Dumbledore. "This was why I was hesitant on letting y'all tag along! " I heard Barty exclaim from behind me. Startled, I turned around, thinkin I'd been caught in the act! "You 2 are shopaholics! All this stuff that you've purchased is gonna cost me a fortune! " he complained, gesturing to the shopping bags that Minnie held. I heaved a sigh o' relief. "Why d'you need a bloody owl? " he asked, raising an eyebrow, on noticing me standing outside the Emporium. "I don't! I...uh, was just, uh...petting em! " I lied.
I decided to depart later that evening. Barty didn't want me to leave, as it was getting dark. But, I couldn't stay. The officials from the Ministry would soon be here to arrest Barty an' Minnie an' there was nothin I could do about it. "Where're you gonna go now? " he asked, as we stood in the garden. "Wherever work takes me." I replied, rather nervously. "You ok? You're trembling." a doubtful Barty enquired. "It's a bit chilly. I really have to go now, Barty." I replied, turning to leave. "Wait! " he called out. I froze an' gulped. "Here. Have my jacket. It'll keep ya warm." he offered, draping his leather jacket o'er my shoulders, before hugging me. "I'm gonna miss ya." he muttered, planting a kiss on the top o' my head. I started tearing up. "What's happened? " he asked, on noticing my tears. "I'm sorry, Barty." I whispered, as the officials closed in.

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