Chapter 2

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I sat on the couch eating crisps an' waiting for my godmother who taught at Hogwarts to return. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I opened it, hoping to see her, but was instead greeted by a friendly,bearded giant (like, really gigantic!) The big ol guy grinned at me, before asking in his booming voice, "Goddaughter of the brilliant Indian sorceress, Mrs. Vashta Murani,I presume? " I nodded nervously. "How d'you know my godmum? " I asked. "Well, she works at Hogwarts, doesn't she? Lovely person, I must say! She really took good care o' ya after yer parents were...." he jabbered,before quickly shutting himself up. "What? What happened to em? " I urged him to continue,finally hoping to find out the truth about my parents. "I've said too much. Here. Show this to yer godmum when she's back an' she'll explain! " he ordered, bending slightly to get through the door. I looked at the envelope, then back up,before I realized that the strange guest had vanished! "Mister...uh...Giant....? " I called out, but he was nowhere to be seen! I turned my attention towards the envelope he'd thrust into my hand.
"You won't believe what happened yesterday! So, I stroll in an' my dad glares at me an' he's got his hands behind his back an' the whole strict demeanor! An' I thought to myself, he's gonna kill me for sure coz I flunked that English test! Mr. Grundy must've surely told im about my essay..." my talkative friend recounted, as he leant on my locker, facing me with his excited,cherubic face. "I aspire to be the next Doctor? " I teased,remembering the name of the essay that he'd submitted to our English teacher. Barty the Whovian blushed. "Shut up." he muttered, feeling embarrassed. I chuckled. "Anyway, my dad held out his hand, an' what d'you know? It was my acceptance letter to Hogwarts! " he continued,excitedly. "You too?! I just got mine too! " I revealed. "Brilliant! " he exclaimed, as we celebrated by hugging. "Did someone finally open a club for twats? " Reggie Margot teased us haughtily. Margot (or Maggot, as everyone at school secretly called him!) always had a sneer on his face, an' occasionally, an evil smile. He was always followed around by his Maggot gang (again, a secret nickname!) "No, not yet. But, I'll keep ya informed. I'm sure you'd like to be the first twat to join it! " I shot back, as Barty hid behind me. I staggered back as the bully's nostrils flared an' he raised a fist to take a swing at me. I heard Barty mutter, A swish & a flick....An' all of a sudden, Reggie was up in the air,flailing his arms an' cryin like a confused baby! I turned to see brave Barty with his wand raised up, grinning at me mischievously. "W...where'd you learn that, Barty?!" I asked, stunned by what the young, to-be wizard had just done. "My dad taught it to me. Just a few lil tricks so I'd get a hang o' the wand." he replied, before gently setting Reggie down. Everyone burst out laughing as The Maggot & his mates ran away in fear!

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