Uchiha Superiority

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Chapter Four: Uchiha Superiority

Everyone was huddled outside in one of the training grounds, targets circling the class. Many with several gashes and holes in them.

“I know most of you know what a kunai is,” Iruka shouted to the class. Most nodded their heads, some stayed still and listened. “But most of you can’t do this,” Iruka quickly threw the knife directly towards his right and into the dead center of target. He never took his eyes off the class.

I was impressed. Naruto was dumbfounded. And the entire class shrieked from surprise. I turned to look at Sasuke who just rolled his eyes.

“I am going to be putting you in pairs and I’d like you to practice throwing the kunai into the targets, but first we need to go over some precautions.” He continued . “These are not toys and you can seriously hurt someone with these. When you throw them, you hold them in your fore hand and draw you hand across from your chest and throw directly forward. I do not, and I repeat not, want to see any you throwing it over your shoulder because if it flies out of your hand, you could end up hitting another student. No accidents today!”

The pairs were supposed to be boy-girl, but there were a lot more boys than girls, so there were a few people like Naruto who was paired up with Kiba. I was paired with Sasuke. Yeah, put the Uchihas together, that's sure to help the other student's self esteem.

We all stood in line with our partners, waiting to get some kunai. I was watching some of the others try while waiting, and noticed that most didn’t even hit the target. Some cheered when theirs’ finally hit. We got some kunai and Sasuke let me try first. I mimicked Iruka’s movements precisely and let the kunai fly out of my hands. It hit the target on the outer ring and I heard Sasuke scoff.

“I’d like to see you do better your first time!” I yelled at him. He just smirked and grabbed a kunai. I noticed most of the girls watching us by now.

“Fine.” He said, and swiftly he threw the kunai. It hit dead center.

Damn fan girls all squealed and I muttered under my breath, “Real impressive, duck butt.”

“I practice a lot with my brother, I can help you if you want,” He smiled at me and I just sulked and shook my head ‘no’.

“Oh! Help me, Sasuke-kun! I want your help!” the fan girls screamed and Sasuke’s smirk left his face. I, of course, giggled.

‘Okay. You can help me, Sasuke-kun.” I mocked him to cover the fact that I was asking for help. He ignored it and walked closer to me.

“Let me see how you hold it,” He said. I showed him, and he put one hand over mine and the other over the kunai. He turned it a bit, and slid my hand all the way down to the tip. “When you aim, aim a bit higher than where you want to hit depending on the distance. You need to find out where that is because I might throw it a bit harder than you.” I blushed and pushed him back.

“If anything, I throw harder than you!” He ignored my comment.

“Just try it, see if that makes a difference.”

I held it in the motion he had told me to and threw the kunai as hard as I could so that I wouldn’t have to stray my eyes too far from the target. It hit the near inner ring, and I turned and gave Sasuke a bright smile of surprise. After a few more tries, I had it down perfectly in the center. I did, however, have trouble at varying distances but Sasuke said that it would take a while before I get that down. Apparently his brother is a great teacher and an even more amazing ninja.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2011 ⏰

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