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I met Naruto by the usual tree in front of the academy. This time he was awake when I found him, but that was probably because it was only 9:30pm.

“I talked to Old Man Hokage,” He told me. I listened. I wanted to know about going to school with Naruto, “He said he can’t just stick you in the academy. You need to get your parents involved.” I frowned.

“What if they don’t let me?” I asked him. He shrugged.

“I don’t see why they won’t let you. I mean, what’s wrong with going to the Ninja Academy?” I shrugged. We are just full of unknown answers today.

“I guess I could ask tomorrow.” He nodded in agreement, “I think I’m going to go home and go to bed. We’ve been staying up quite a bit the last few nights,” He nodded; probably tired.

“Yeah, me too. I should head home for a change,” Naruto said.

“If you have somewhere to stay, why do you sleep outside by the school?” I asked him.

“No one cares if I go home or not. I just find myself under this tree time to time and fall asleep.” I nodded, there appears to be a lot of nodding in our conversations.

“Okay. See you tomorrow sometime. I’ll ask my mom in the morning about the Ninja Academy,” I told him.

I ran straight home and hopped in bed like usual.


“Hey mother?” It was about 9:00am and I was standing in the dining house with mother while she was cooking some sort of meal.

“Yes?” She responded. She stirred the pot and I moved away as it seemed to splash a little.

“I was thinking about going to the Ninja Academy,” I said calmly. She turning off the burner and shifted to look at me.

“How did you learn about that?” Oops.

“I, uh, the school is not too far from our house and I wanted to attend there. It sounds like something I might want to do.” I said meekly.

“I’ll talk to your father about it,” She said while I threw my fist into the air and hoorayed, “That doesn’t mean he’ll like the idea. He might not want you to become a Shinobi,” She said. ‘Destroying my hope are we???’ I thought to myself.

“How come?” I asked her.

“It’s very dangerous. Shinobi die every day, but it is very honorable. So we’ll see.” I still hoorayed and left the dining house. Little did I know that our conversation caused our breakfast to be burned.


 Naruto wasn’t at the tree, which made me a bit sad. I sat against the tree waiting for something to happen.

“Hello,” A voice sounded. I looked up to see a man, much older than myself standing over me. He had a slash across the bridge of his nose and his brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail.

“Um… Hi,” I didn’t know how to reply to the man.

“What are you doing here? Do you know what this school is?” He asked me.

“Sort of. A boy told me a little about it. He just said this is where you go if you want to become a Shinobi,” I told him.

“Are you interested in attending this school? I’m a teacher here.”

“Really?” I asked. He nodded. “Well only if Naruto can be in the same class as me,” I exclaimed.

“Naruto? When did you meet Naruto?” He asked me, a curious expression on his face.

Retrograde Amnesia - A Naruto FicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz