17: Truth Comes From A Liar

Start from the beginning

Fox was immediately alert, her brain clearing the fog and giving her her senses back. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed the television remote, brandishing it as a sort of weapon. Once the man entered, though, she relaxed slightly, lowering her bludgeon slightly and frowning. "Recruit, what's all of this about...?" She huffed slightly, then stumbled in shock at a sudden, loud explosion.

"We need to get you to the Secure Car. There seems to be someone trying to-" And he as the explosion rocks the train, letting out a gasp, and looking down in horror at his Dragonmark, which was turning black and withering as if in agony. "Drae-" He starts, and falls on his face, the Train Car shaking slightly. Outside the hall, an automated voice starts.

'Train Derail has occurred, Brace for impact. Trail Derail has occurred. Hostile forces have begun to attack. All security forces, arm and defend. All Security forces, arm and defend.'

Fox was dazed for a moment, then dropped her weapon and rushed to the side of the fallen male. "Come on...don't die...hold on..." She murmured, listening to the voice and cursing. She dragged the man into a corner with herself and huddled down in it, grabbing the remote. Just in case, but even as she were looking, it was obviously too late. The male was dead by the time that she checks on him, blood trickling from the side of his mouth and Dragonmark still. Then...

Everything goes Zero-Gravity, the Train Car falling on its side and skidding across the ground, spinning like one of those amusement park rides, slowing to a stop.

There was the sound of grinding and twisting metal, groaning and snapping, before the car finally ground to a halt, the lights flickering meekly as people started groaning and moving around outside of her room. That wasn't the least of ones worries, however. A moment after the car stopped, the door is ripped open, and the guards open fire outside, before getting shot in the head by someone outside.

"Anyone in here? Any prisoners in this car?" A male with blonde hair soon appears in the doorway, looking down at Fox, and his eyes brighten. "Looks like it's your lucky day, huh? Gimme your hand, miss!" 

Fox got up quickly, gathering her muscles and leaping up to grab his hand, using him to haul herself up to the lip of the car and climb out. "What the hell is going on here?" She muttered, brushing herself off. 

There was more gunfire outside, and the male frowns. "Come on, it ain't safe in here... Guards could come in." He states, before looking back at her. "Wait... you dunno where this train was going? You don't know where YOU were going?!" He asks, eyes wide in shock, before he ducks, pulling her down out of sight of someone peeking in the car.

The boy waits for a moment, then speaks again. "They were sending us to them... We were being sent like cattle... to a fucking slaughter..." He says quietly, before peeking over the lip of the doorway. "The Guards... if the train were to be taken, like someone was trying to do before... They have orders to execute every last one of us... Or secure some way to get to the other place... and trust me... from what I heard from a Dragon who got out of that "other place"... You don't want to go to the other place... Execution here is a lot nicer... and shorter." He states, before crouching and handing her the rifle that he has. "Head for the wood-line and stay there... I've got to check for any others, then get the dragons out before whoever was attacking the train comes back..."

"Who's them, kid? Where were they taking us? I was supposed to be being transferred. To the California division for some undercover work," Fox shook her head. It was all she could remember about what was supposed to be happening. "Kid, who's attacking us? And why?" Fox asked, obviously quite confused and disgruntled. She pursed her lips, and took the rifle, holding it as if she'd handled one everyday. When he tells her to head for the trees, she frowns. "Oh, no no no! I'm not going to hide like a coward. If I can help save some innocents, I'm coming. The name's Fox. Colonel Fox."

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