The Only Way is Up

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It was the next day and I woke up before anyone else (we went to sleep in th. I decided that I wanted to meet up with Pan again, because I felt safer when I was with him. I wandered through the forest until I reached the camp. I found the slightly bigger tent and put my head inside. It was Pan's tent. Phew! He looked asleep until he rolled over into his back, looked at me, then sat up. I wasn't too sure whether should be there.
"You're back!" He said.
"Yes I am." I replied.
"Come and sit down." He requested. I went over to his wooden bed and sat down next to him. "How are you?" He asked.
"I'm fine thanks." I answered. It was a pretty genuine conversation to be honest. We talked a lot. It was actually quite a deep conversation.
"So if you're really not afraid of anything." he said, looking softly down at my lips. "Then kiss me."
I must say I was quite startled, but pleasantly startled.
"Um okay." I said. I smiled awkwardly and leant forward, my arm propping me up on the unstable surface of the campbed. I nearly fell but Peter was already there to catch me. Time went in slow motion. Our lips touched and I giggled a bit, I think it was just nerves. My heart racing, pounding at the inside of my chest. I must admit, we did go on for a little while but it really didn't matter, no one was watching. When we stopped we both kinda awkwardly sled at eachother. Neither of us were uncomfortable, it was just new to both of us.

He looked me deeply in my eyes. I looked at him back, smiling warmly as his green eyes also seemed to smile back. He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I foolishly smiled and stood up. He stood up after I did. Then I foolishly went on my toes to kiss him.  Again. He reached put his hand and held my cheek, which made it more romantic. It felt right. We were disturbed by the second-in-command lost boy, Felix who entered Pan's tent. "I hope I'm not distrupting anything." Felix said with a slow, deep tone to his voice.
"I better get back to the rest of us, before they wake up. I'll see you later." I said, gently slapping my thighs with a brief sigh. Of course I was grinning though.
"Okay, I'm here if you need me." He said then smiled. I left the tent and then the camp.

I've never really been in this sort of situation before...

I reached the forest to meet the others. I felt light and content. Nothing could ruin my day.
"Hook's gone!" Emma cried. We searched the forest for him untill we came across a lake. There he was, sitting next to a fire. "You didn't think I'd run away did you?" He asked smugly.
"No, of course not." Emma said quickly.
"Right." Hook replied.
I signalled Emma. She saw it and came over to me. "What's wrong?"
"I need to tell you something but no one else can know!" I whispered.
"What is it?"
"I met someone." I admitted.
"Who?" Emma asked eagerly.
"His name's Peter Pan. He's a real person!"
"Peter Pan? He tried to kill Henry so he could live himself."
"What?" I gasped. "There's more. I kissed him."
"Oh. Okay good for you?" Emma replied, slightly confused.
"I did, but I don't know. I love him and he seemed to love me."
"Okay, just be careful, he likes to play games."  Emma.
"I know, he told me about them."
Regina turned to me. "Alice, we'd better get some more firewood."
"Okay." I said.
"Henry, you go too." Emma suggested.
"Okay." Said Henry. Regina, Henry and I went into the woods to get some more firewood. "How are we going to find any wood in the first place?" Henry asked. Regina shook her hands gently and used magic to cut two  trees nearby. "Oh." He said, answering himself. I joined in.
Randomly, a woman magically appeared. I thought I was hallucinating but then I realised that I'm in an enchanted realm so my eyes soon adjusted to it. "Mother! Why are you here?" Regina gasped.
"Oh Regina dear, I decided to pay Neverland a visit. I needed to speak to Rumplestiltskin's dear old father."
"That's who we're looking for." I said.
"Oh, who's this?" Regina's mother asked.
"I'm-" I said but I got interrupted.
"Um." Regina said as fast as she could.
"Um?" Regina's mother questioned. "Well it's nice to meet you, my name is Cora."
"Goodbye, mother."
"I'll see you around." Replied Cora. She left us with a puff of a dark purple smoke.
"That was my mother, also known as The Queen of Hearts. You don't want to mess with her." Regina told me.
"Why didn't you tell her my real name?" I asked.
"That's a conversation for another time. But it's not good for her to know your identity." Regina said.
"Let's go back, we've collected enough wood." Suggested Henry.
"Yeah." I said, slightly terrified. We quietly walked back to the fire and there the wood on it.
"So Crocodile, why do you need me here?" Hook asked Mr Gold.
"Where is my father?" He protested.
"Who's that again?" Hook asked foolishly but knowingly.
"You know perfectly who my father is." Gold angrily said.
"Oh yes. The young boy. My mistake Crocodile."
"Stop it!" Emma warned.
"We better get going, or it will be nightfall soon." Hook said.
"He's right." Emma agreed.
"Aww, Miss Swan is now on the devishly handsome pirate's side." Hook said. Emma rolled her eyes.
"Stop flirting, Hook. We really need to be somewhere." Regina snapped. I then turned to Mr Gold. "Who is it we're looking for? Your father, who is he?" I asked him. Silence fell all around until Gold said; "His name is Peter Pan."
"What? You're the son he was talking about?"
"You know him?" Mr Gold asked.
"Of course not." I muttered.

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