The Bean Portal

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I woke up at about 9am ish. Emma, Regina, Henry and I went to Granny's for breakfast and coffee. I find it cute that Emma and Henry have the same thing to drink. Cinnamon and sprinkles I think it's called, it does sound nice actually. After breakfast we headed straight to Dr Hopper (aka Jiminy Cricket) so he could help me find more of my magic side. Regina told Mr Gold to be there yesterday, just in case there's any accidents. He was to teach me after Dr Hopper discovered my conscience. Mr Gold also taught Regina.
"Have you felt any different since you crossed the border?" Dr Hopper asked.
"No but the atmospere changed a bit but I just think that's the magic in the air." I chuckled.
"Okay, anything else?"
"Sorry to cut you short, but we don't have all day." Mr Gold said spitefully.
"Now don't get grouchy Mr Gold, Alice over here needs to learn..." replied Regina. She looked at me.
"If Mr Gold wants you to do anything magical,  you nut do what makes you happy " He went on.
"Okay, how do I do that exactly?" I joked.
"I'm going to use the dreamcatcher. Emma knows all about it. It's the first thing she ever practiced her magic on."
Mr Gold pulled out the dreamcatcher. It was an orangey yellow colour, with tassels and feathers hanging down. Gold already seemed to have an old crow prepared for me to use. He gently brushed the crow softly with the feathers and tassels. Then he slowly lifted it.
"This now contains the memories of the crow. Take the dreamcatcher, and look into it. Focus and don't let anything distract you. Only you can do this to help yourself."
"You can do this Alice." Said Henry
"Yeah, no matter what happens, we'll still be here." Emma added, trying to make the tense situation better.
"Just give it your best shot." Regina said.
"Thanks." I said, smiling with a kind of relief. I looked at the dreamcatcher. I focused. I concentrated. The dreamcatcher began to flow and it gradually got brighter and brighter.
"You're doing it!" Cried Henry.
"Yeah, I am!" I replied. "I don't believe it!" The dreamcatcher stopped glowing. "D-did I do something wrong?"
"You said you didn't believe." Dr Hopper said.
I tried again. It glowed a yellow glow. The beam of light shone way brighter than I expected.
"Well done!" Dr Hopper said. "You must have the potential to be someone great!"
"Haha I hope so." I replied.
"Great Alice. Now you've had your free magic session, now it's your turn to help me." Gold said sternly. "I'll meet you outside my shop tomorrow. 10am sharp."

* * *

We were at Regina's vault. Regina was looking for a spell to hunt down something that could be any use to me. Something to protect me. "Well if you're going with my son, I may as Well give you some thing to protect you both from harm." She muttered fairly loudly.

"Let's head to the forest then." Regina immediately said.
"Wait, should Mary Margaret and David come too?" Emma asked.
"They can. Lets make this a family gathering." Regina spitefully mentioned.

The streets were wet with the rain which had been pouring must before we went out. Mr Gold was waiting patiently outside his shop. "Let's go." He said. "So you did bring the whole Charming family with you?"
Regina looked at Emma with a 'told you so' look. Emma rolled her eyes in reply.
"You do realise that the shadow won't come." Regina told Gold.
"Well let's just have a little faith, Your Majesty."

"My apologies, Rumplestiltskin." The Queen smirked. "Sorry for my reasonable advice. You're better off finding a portal, like a magic bean." She added with spite.

"I'm going with Henry to get my parents." Emma interupted.

* * *

"You did well." Mr Gold pleaded. "Hop in."

Emma went first, then Regina, Henry, Mary Margaret, David.
"Go on then." Said Gold to me.
"Is it safe?..."
"Of course. Now hurry."
I jumped into the haze of mixed colours. I assume Mr Gold did too shortly after me.

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