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"Hannah, are you ready? We've gotta go!" Adam yells. I throw the last of my things into my suitcase, and zip it up.

"Yeah, coming!" I scream, and grab the handle of my luggage, rolling it out of my room. I stop by my doorway to take one last look at everything. My bedroom seems so empty, now that everything is packed up and waiting in Adam's truck.

I smile at all the fond memories of the past, and turn to walk down the steps.

"Come on, hurry! We're gonna be late!" Adam shouts.

"I know, I know," I reply, hopping down from the last step. I rush into the kitchen, and give Alesa and the twins a final goodbye hug. I'll be back for Christmas, but that isn't for another four months.

We leave through the side door that leads into the garage. I ride shotgun, and Adam backs out of the driveway. I watch the house slowly shrink in the distance, until it disappears, and we get onto the highway.


When we arrive at the airport, Adam's eyes start to tear up as he gives me a big hug. I can barely breathe because of how hard he's squeezing me, but at the same time, I don't want to let go. I'm excited to start my own life as an adult, but it will be weird leaving Washington. I've only been here for about two years, but it has become an amazing home to me.

"Call me when you land, okay?" Adam insists.

"Okay," I promise. "I will."

"Do you have everything?" he questions, and I nod. All of my belongings have been delivered to my apartment except for my carry-on items and a few other things I brought in my suitcase.

"Bye, Hannah," Adam whimpers, and I give him one last hug before I go through security.

"Bye," I reply, and I walk off to stand in line, wheeling my luggage along behind me.

It was almost time to board the plane, and start yet another new chapter in my life.

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