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Weren't expecting me, were you? Hannah needed some help with picking up where she left off, and I'm the guy for the job. I know exactly how to start explaining what happened, even though, I, uh, didn't actually see any of it for myself. Jeez. Maybe I should just tell you the facts, just like how I heard them.

No, wait. I have a better idea! I'll tell you what happened the day Hannah lost her memory, but I'll say it, like, through my eyes! Genius.


Hmm. This is harder than I thought it would be. Gimme a second, I need to think about it.


Oh! Got it. Okay, I'm starting now. Are you ready?


I don't think you're ready.

You sure?

Okay, if you insist...


Ring, ring.

"Is somebody gonna get the phone?" I yelled, because I, obviously, was not going to waste my time getting up to answer the phone, especially because 99% of the phone calls in this house aren't even for me.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

"Ugh! Fine," I said, but I wasn't expecting a response. Let's just say I gracefully leapt off the couch to answer the phone, even though that was definitely not the case. Ever seen a senior citizen try to do a cartwheel? I have about the same level of grace as that senior citizen. You get the picture.

The caller ID said it was Adam.

"Yeah dude?" I asked. You're probably wondering why I'm talking to my girlfriend's dad like this, but it's okay. He is 1.) only about five years older than me and 2.) a super chill guy. Don't worry yourself too much.

"Listen, I don't have much time to explain. We're on the way to the hospital-"

"WHAT?" I shouted.

"I said to listen, so shut up! Yeah, we're going to the hospital. There was an accident-"

"WHAT?" I repeated. "Oh. Right. Sorry. Proceed."

Adam sighed. "We were snowboarding and the ski lift had a malfunction and Hannah fell off and landed on her head BUT we think she'll be okay because she was wearing a helmet and plenty and it was only a ten foot fall or so but in case something happens I just wanted to let you know."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. What's going on? What do you mean, malfunction?" I asked, but there was no point. Adam had already hung up.

Explanations and Years Gone By //tc 5Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang