24, back to the ministry

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Unfortunately I wake up at the crack of dawn, I would've wanted some more sleep. I look over at Ron and Hermione. Their hands are almost touching, and it's the cutest thing I ever did see. I look over to Harry's couch and see that he's not there. He's standing over by the piano changing clothes. I look away a little embarrassed that I caught him in such an exposed state. I decide to stand up and have a morning stretch.

"Morning" I whisper.

"Morning" Harry replies giving me a kind smile.

I put on black jeans, a grey tank top and a jeans jacket. Then I walk out into the kitchen and pull out some of the food I took at the coffee shop. After a few minutes Harry joins me by the table and reaches for a blueberry muffin. Eventually Ron and Hermione joins us as well.

"So me and Harry discovered R.A.B last night" I casually explains, trying to not make it such a big deal only to see their reaction.

"What?" Hermione stands up and yells.

"You did?" Ron asks calmly and slightly pulls Hermione's sleeve so she'll sit back down.

"Well, it was mostly Selena." Harry states.

"Yes we did, the only question is if he's-" Suddenly I'm cut off by a loud crash that sounds like a bowl falling over in the pantry.

I quickly stand up with a tight hold around wand. Harry opens the door and Kreacher crawls out of the pantry.

"I totally forgot he was here." Ron sighed.

"Were you spying on us?" Harry asks Kreacher, sounding very demanding.

"Kreacher has been watching." The ugly house elf hisses.

"Maybe he knows where the real locket is." Hermione suggests. Harry quickly grabs the fake one off the table and holds it up in front of Kreacher.

"Have you seen this before?" Harry ask, whilst Kreacher groans.

"Kreacher, Harry is your master. You must obey him." I snap at the ugly creature starting to get annoyed.

"It was master Regulus's locket."

"But there were two. Weren't there? Where's the other one?" Harry asks.

Kreacher groans, "It was here. In this house."

"Where is it now? Did someone take it?" I ask.

"Answer her Kreacher." Harry demands.

"He came in the middle of the night. Took many things, including the locket."

"Who came Kreacher?" Harry asks. It's obvious that Harry's getting pissed at him for not really giving us any real answers.

"Mungdungus. Mungdungus Fletcher." Kreacher hisses.

"Find him." Harry orders, and with that Kreacher disapparates.

"Now we wait." Harry mutters.

The day turns to night and Kreacher still hasn't returned. We're all just siting around waiting impatiently. Hermione is trying to teach Ron the piano, while me and Harry are snuggled up on the couch under a blanket. I put my head on his shoulder and he kisses the top of my head.

My mind wanders off to Draco and Isaac, I really miss them terribly. Harry pulls out the golden snitch and let's it fly in space in front of us, then he easily grabs it with the hand that's not draped around my shoulders. I like the feeling of being held and I love harry I really do, but I wish it was Draco who was sitting next to me. Hermione leaves the piano and sits down across from us.

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