23, wedding night

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>>wedding night<<

Today is the big day for Fleur and Bill. I wake up early and undo my braids that I had slept in, to get angelic curly hair. After that I change into my dress that I had picked out the night before.  And lastly I put on a little lipgloss.

I walk downstairs and see Ginny with Harry talking. I slip into the kitchen, where George is. We don't say anything, instead we just watch Harry and Ginny snog. We both look at each other and start giggling quietly. 

"Morning." George and I both say in unison. When they notice we've both been standing there, they both get embarrassed. Ginny runs up the stairs and Harry looks awkwardly at us before he rushes outside.

After a while we walk outside to help Mr Weasley set up the tent. That's when the Minister of Magic arrives. He asks to speak  with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Weird." Fred states.

We carrie on setting everything up. George and I set up a bunch of tables and chairs but we leave some space that we can use as a dance floor.

When the Minister leaves me and Hermione walk outside and hide our packed bags near the reception, just in case.

After the beautiful ceremony we enter the big tent I helped put up earlier today. I sit down with the twins and Ron. We watch Bill and Fleur have their first dance, after that a more upbeat song comes on. Me an Ginny head for the dance floor where we dance like crazy and the twins also joins in.

Suddenly a patronus rips through the tent, it's Kingsley's.

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming." It says before it disappears. As soon as it is gone I run towards the table I hid mine and Hermione's bags under. I grab them and then run towards Hermione. When I reach her and give her her bag a Death Eater comes crashing through the tent and lands right in front of us. But luckily he starts running the opposite direction.

Me, Ron and Hermione are gathered in a little circle ready to go, but where the hell is Harry? I look over my shoulder and see him running our way and as soon as his hand touches ours we disappear.

We land in the middle of a busy street and avoid getting run over by a bus just by a few seconds. Hermione explains how she used to come here as a kid, but I have trouble hearing what she says when all I can think of is Isaac and Draco.

What if they were there? And I just left. I could have been with them right now. If I wouldn't have left.

We quickly change clothes in the back of an alley and then head for a small cafe down the block. The others are talking about what happened but I just stare at the menu, trying not to think of what just happened.

A fairly young girl came to take our orders, she had her dark brown hair back in a ponytail and looked around 25. Everyone ordered a cappuccino while I orders a chai latte.

The door bell ring as two men walk inside the shop. I look at them and there's something suspicious about them. One of the men reach down in his back pocket and slowly pulls out a wand.

"Down!" I yell. Everyone drops to the ground as soon as the men starts to cast spells everywhere.

"Stupify!" I yell and send a man flying backwards.

"Petrificus totalus!" Hermione yells and sends the other man into the wall. Our waitress comes back out with our drinks and Hermione yells at her to leave. Which she does immediately.

"Selena lock the door, Ron get the lights." Harry states. I lock the door and use magic to draw down the medal screen over the windows. I walk over to the guy I sent flying into the wall.

"This is Raul. He was in the astronomy tower the night Dumbledore died." Harry explains.

"We should kill them." Ron states.

"Ron!" Hermione whispers.

"We should at least wipe their memories." I suggest.

"Hermione you're the best at spells." Ron admits. And we all know it's true. Hermione points her wand at the two men lying on the floor and whispers.


As soon as their memories are wiped away I grab some bottles of water and some packaged foods and then toss them into my bag. We leave the cafe through the back door.

"How'd they know we were there?" Hermione asks.

"The trace maybe?" I suggest.

"Trace clears when you're 17." Harry explains. Suddenly Hermione gasps.

"We didn't celebrate your birthday Harry! Me, Ginny had backed a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding." Hermione explains.

"It's okay Hermione, really." Harry reassures her.

"We need to get somewhere safe, get off the streets." And with that we all take each other's hands and apparate to Grimmauld place. We walk inside and a big cloud of dust starts to swirl. Dumbledore appears and flies at us. I scream and take a hold on Harry's arm. Then with a poof it disappears.

"Mad Eyes humour." I mutter slightly annoyed. Hermione raises her wand and says

"Homenum Revelio." Nothing happens.

"We are alone." She whispers.

We walk inside and grab some blankets and stuff. We set up some beds in the living room, and I pick a small dark red armchair to sleep in. Everything in here as a thin layer of dust covering it. Everyone else seems to fall asleep very quickly, except for me. I can't stop thinking about my mother, my family, my boyfriend. I know that they're all together right now. Maybe they're all biding their good nights as they're all planning on going to bed by now. I image Draco's big king sized bed that I've slept in a couple of times. I would much rather be there right now than here.

Things are not like before. I accidentally over heard some people on the streets today, talking about Death Eaters looking for me. I might have heard wrong but I highly doubt that. I mean why wouldn't they be looking for me? My boyfriend and brothers follows the Dark Lords every wink and here I am with some of his enemies trying to find and destroy all of his horcruxes. It makes sense that people would want me to go back home. "In my rightful place" as my dad described it in his last letter.

I decide against trying to fall asleep because I know it won't work. I get up and walk trough the house. I've been here before but then there were always lots of people here running around keeping this place, alive. I walk into a bedroom that I've never been in before. I look at the front of the door.

"Regulus Arcturus Black." I read out loud. I let the name sink in, then I scream realising that I'm an absolute genius. In a couple of minutes, Harry runs into the room with his wand in his hand.

"Selena are you okay?" He asks worried.

"I'm a genius!" I yell.

"Sorry?" He asks. "Look at the front door. What does that say?" I ask him.

"Regulus Arcturus Black." Harry whispers.

"R. A. B he found the real horcrux." I explain.

"Selena you're a genius!" Harry yells hugging me and spinning me around and I laugh at his reaction. This was exactly what we needed right now.

"Now come on let's go downstairs and get some rest." He states and I nod. I follow him down the stairs and into the living room. And I curl up in my arm chair with my thick blanket and fall asleep.

A/n: Hey guys, sooo comment if you thought I meant Draco and selenas wedding when you read the title???
I'm sorry that this chapter is a week late!



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