12, quidditch tryouts

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I groan as I sit by my assigned table. At least I get a few minutes of peace before Draco comes in. When he comes he grins as soon as he reads the board and walks over to sit down beside me.

"You just can't get enough of me can you?" He smiles

"You're such an ass." I mutter but can't keep myself from giggling a bit.

"You seem to think you know everything about me sweetheart." Draco laugh. The door slams shut and and Snape walks in.

"Hello class. Today we will be discussing the projects I will be assigning to you and your partner." Snape explains.

"Professor you said we have assigned partners?" Hermione states.

"Yes Ms. Granger?" Snape asks.

"Well when will we revive our partners?" Hermione asks.

"The student sitting next to you is your partner. You two will be seeing a lot of each other throughout the year as you study the dark creatures or dark objects I give you." Snape explains.

I look at Draco, "looks like you'll be seeing a lot of me." He says with a wink. I groan and let the reality sink in that I'll be stuck with Malfoy all year, a boy who never studies in time. Snape assigns Draco and I, Vanishing Cabinets.

As the day drags on I was relived to be done with my classes. I head to the Slytherin common room and go up to my dorm immediately to try and get some sleep. I don't even care if I miss dinner I just want to sleep and try to forget what happened in potions class today.

Next day was a Saturday, thank goodness. I couldn't take another school day. Hermione and I had agreed to eat breakfast together so I quickly change into a jumper and pants and go down to breakfast. We finish our food quick so we could head down to the Qudditch pitch and watch the tryouts. I wasn't really as invested in quidditch as I probably should be but I came with so Hermione didn't have to go alone. 

"I hope Ron does alright." I tell Hermione as we sit down.

"He'll be fine." She whispers.

"Is that Lavender Brown?" I ask Hermione.

"Yeah why?" She asks me.

"I think she has a thing for Ron."

"What? No way!" Hermione states but she keeps looking at her for a while so I can sense I upset her in some way.

Harry walks onto the pitch with Ginny and goes to everyone whose trying out. It's hard to hear what they're saying down there but we clearly hear Ginny screaming
"Shut it!" To everyone on the field.

"Come on Ron!" Lavender yells as Ron and a boy named Cormac fly into their goals. We cheer for Ron, but it's obvious that Cormac is the better keeper of the two of them.

"Hermione, I hate to say it, but Ron won't get the spot unless Cormac misses." I explain. As Ginny throws the quaffle at Cormac, Hermione uses the confundus charm on McLaggen. I stare at her as he misses the quaffle.

"You did not just do that?" I whisper.

"Ron will get the spot." Hermione whisper smiling proudly as we clap for Ron.

"Absolutely brilliant Ron!" Lavender yells.

"Maybe she does have a thing for Ron." Hermione whispers. I look across the stands and I see someone watching from the stairs but the person starts to leave,

"Hermione, I have some Herbology homework. I'll catch you later." I explain.

I run down the stairs and I see someone heading back towards the castle. It's not hard to guess who it is, his bleach blond hair sticks out like a sore thumb in the sunlight.

I follow Draco from a safe distance up the hill and back into Hogwarts. I thought he would head back to our common room, however he heads upstairs. I know I shouldn't be following him but my curiosity make me do it anyways. I follow a staircase behind him. We climb up to the seventh floor and I realise where he's going.

The Room of Requirement.

I follow him throughout the corridors even though I know where he's going. I just want to be sure. I follow him up until he walks into The Room of Requirement. Instead of going inside I decide to wait outside for him to come back out.

What could he be doing in there? Basically since Dumbledore's Army is disbanded the Room of Requirements is used for storage. An hour passes by before Draco walks out. I let him get a great head start before I leave. I didn't want to follow him anymore, but we were both headed for the common room so I guess I kind of did.

The next day was Sunday. And after eating a big breakfast I decided to spend my day down by the black lake and do some reading to myself. I accidentally missed lunch and spent the whole day there and when the sun started to set I laid down my book. As I watch the sun set I look to my right and see someone poking their head out from behind a tree, staring at me. It's Malfoy again. He just can't get enough of me can he.
I groan and told my head back into the tree behind me. Once again, I roll my eyes at him, he obviously can't see it my it's like my eyes automatically does it anytime he's near me. I look back towards the trees he was "hiding in" but when I look back he's not there anymore.

I pack up my books and head back to the castle. On my way back to the Slytherin common room I was interrupted by Professor Snape.

"Out for a late night stroll are we?" Professor Snape asks.

"No sir I was actually on my way back to the Slytherin common room." I snap.

"I suggest you do that quick before you get detention." I nod and walk off. I get into my dormitory where Daphine Greengrass is sitting on her bed reading.

"You think Malfoy was spying you?" Daphine asks after I told her about how Draco has been following me around lately.

"Yes, and he was watching me at the tryouts yesterday too." I explain.

I mean I know Draco and we are meant to spend a lot of time together because of the engagement but he doesn't need to spy on me.

"Maybe it wasn't him?" Daphine states.

"No it was him. I'd recognise that bleach blond hair a mile away." I explain.

"Well looks like you've got yourself a stalker." Daphine jokes. We both say goodnight and quickly drift off to sleep.

A/n: okay I know this is really short but I'll update soon okay love y'all and keep voting for this story!

xoxo Wilma.

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