9, hogwarts express

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Incase we have any tributes reading this story, there maaaay be a hunger games quote in this chapter comment if you find it;)))

                      >>Hogwarts express<<

As soon as I wake up, I immediately start getting ready. I let my long brown hair fall out in its natural waves. I get dressed and double check my trunk to make sure all my belongings are packed.
I go down stairs with my stuff and say a quick goodbye to mum as we did our more soppy goodbyes last night after dinner. I step into the fireplace with my trunks beside me. I grab a hand full of floo powder and take a deep breath.

"The Leaky Cauldron!" I yell whilst throwing the powder at my feet.

My body is absorbed in green flames and I begin to twist and turn in all kinds of directions.
All of a sudden I shoot out of a fireplace and my feet hit the bookshelf causing me to stop sliding. My trunks shoots out behind me, one of them hitting my head. I slowly stand up and rub my head muttering to my trunk. I start to wipe the dust off of my body. Then I grab my trunks and walk out of the broom cupboard, and walk into the pub area of the leaky cauldron. I was just about to enter a pub when I hear a familiar voice.

"Selena darling!" That was Narcissas voice.

I turn around and I'm just a couple of inches away from Draco's face. He smirks and gives me a tight hug. He kisses my cheek lovingly and then pulls away, standing beside me with his hand on my lower back. Our friendship grew stronger last year when Draco was taking school more seriously. I helped him with all of his schoolwork and projects and he helped me get on Professor Umbridge's good side. I didn't particularly like her or enjoy her teaching and I always sided with Harry whenever a discussion broke out between Draco and I about what we thought of her. However the more time me and Draco were forced to spend together the more our friendship flourished.

But the most prominent things thats changed and that stands out the most, would probably be the fact that I don't hate him anymore, He's not as annoying as he used to be, He's definitely hotter than he used to be,
And we've both accepted the fact that the Dark Lords mind isn't going to change when it comes to our marriage.

Oh and yeah our parents only forced us into the hole arranged marriage thing because The Dark Lord ordered it himself. He thinks it'll be a good thing since we're both from families who have followed him in the past. And almost most importantly, we're both purebloods.

Narcissa hugs me and tells us that she needs to leave. Draco takes my hand and we walk to King's Cross Station in silence.., until I ask him about Lucius.

"Have you heard anything about your father?" I ask nervous about the answer, I know how terrible Draco's has felt all summer and when I was there a few days ago it was hard to ever get in contact with him. He just seemed to out of it on every level.

"No, nothing. Mum is acting weird these days, I heard her sob the other night." He answers.

"I'm sorry," I replied.


When we get to platform 9 3/4 we board the train and go get a compartment together with Blaise Zambini and Daphine Greengrass.

After a while I decide to sneak out to meet Harry and the others to see what he meant with what he wrote in my letter. I tell Draco that I'm going to the bathroom and quickly leave. I know that if I were to tell him I was going to meet my brother and his friends, who happen to be Draco's apparent enemies.  He would try and convince me to stay.
When I finally find them they're in the middle of a conversation.

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