"Someone help me please!" Olivia shouted as she came through the emergency room doors.

"What do we got?" A nurse asked.

"She put her hand through a mirror at home." Olivia stated.

"We need a gurney over here!" The nurse shouted.

Two orderlies rushed a gurney over, and Olivia placed her onto it.

Genesis locked her arms around Olivia's neck dragging her down with her.

"It's ok. I'll be with you the whole time" Olivia said.

"Promise?"Genesis asked looking into Olivia's eyes.

"Yes baby I promise."

They were wheeled into an ER bay, where the nurses removed the blood soaked towel. They placed her hand on sterile towels, rinsed the blood off her hand with saline water, and started to remove the bits of glass embedded into her knuckles. 18 stitches, a finger splint, and a mild sedative later Olivia was by her side in room 207 watching her sleep.

Olivia was still wondering what could have brought her daughter to this. She still remembered the way Genesis had freaked out when they tried to remove her clothes.


"Ok sweetheart were just going to put you in a hospital gown now"A nurse said.

When the nurse reached the hem of Genesis' shirt she lost it. She started kicking and screaming.


Genesis kicked an orderly, bit a nurse, and tried to snatch out her IV. Olivia requested they let her put her in the hospital gown.

"What if I put this on you?" Olivia asked searching her daughters eyes.

Genesis nodded.

Olivia slowly lifted Genesis' shirt and thats when she saw the bruises on her stomach. Bruises that hadn't been there before. She decided she would question her about it later, and slipped the gown on.

End flashback.

Dr. Goldman knocked on the door before letting himself in.

"She's still resting comfortably I see" He said glancing over the girl. "You may consider a psychiatric hold."

Olivia ignored the last comment, sighing in relief.

"It's the most rested she's been today" Olivia said quietly.

"I'll send around the hospital psychiatrist when she comes too" He said before leaving the room.

Olivia kissed Genesis on the forehead as she started to stir. Genesis rubbed her eyes with her left hand, shortly discovering her right was bandaged. She yawned, sighed and looked at Olivia.

"Where are we?" She asked hoarsely.

Olivia gave her hand a light squeeze.

"Were at the hospital sweetie."

"N-no! I wanna g-go home now!" Genesis said eyes wide with fear.

'Mom knows. She knows now. I'm fucked!' she thought.

"Hey hey hey. What's the matter?" Olivia said calmly.

"You know mom. I know you know. So just start yelling at me! Beat me, something!"Genesis said.

Olivia crinkled her eyebrows, and wondered if maybe Genesis wasn't one hundred percent lucid.

"Honey...I don't know what you're talking about" Olivia said sitting next to her on the bed.

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