"It makes for amazing chemistry," Alice smacked his arm playfully, winking back at us. "It's sweet."

I felt my cheeks heat up at the anticipation of the video, and I hid my face in my husband's chest. I felt his lips press on my forehead.

We met with the director again and our stylists showed us to our separate trailers to get dressed. I wore a tattered up gray crop top with black short shorts. My makeup was done in an ashy gray, white, blue and black hues, smoky eyes. I wore my messy hair in curls framing my face. Edward only wore black shorts, but his body was covered in the same ashy hues as me. His hair was kept the same, tangled and all over the place, which I totally didn't mind.

We began shooting in the bedroom set. All we really did was roll around each other on the mattress and make out and touch each other. There was a part in the middle where I had to push him off of me, and he'd roll onto the bed over his head, and I'd crawl onto the bed and straddle him. I kept giggling a few times, but I finally got it to be this sexy and steamy scene.

My hands brushed over his abs down his torso, and he grabbed it. I could feel the heat rolling off his broad shoulders as I looked into his eyes. He shut his eyes, and came closer. I closed mine and waited for his lips to press onto mine, but he lay his head on my shoulder, drawing me closer. I could feel his arousal on my thigh and gasped, trying to keep it together.

"And cut!" the director's voice broke our spell, and Edward pushed on the wall behind me. He smiled brightly, and I rolled my eyes. Still feeling the intensity of the last scene, we were sure we'd replay it again our trailer.

The video finished filming by the end of the day, and the director told us it would need editing for a release a few weeks later.


March 2031

Edward's "Addicted" video got released and we were so excited to see the end result.

Some fans were surprised to see me as the lead actress, but most were excited and thought we were getting back together as a duo, but Carlisle squashed those rumors.

Unfortunately, a lot of tabloids started backlash against me and my husband with headlines like "Edward Cullen Hits Wife Bella in New Music Video", or "Is Edward Cullen Abusive at Home? Check Out the Steamy New Music Video with His Wife". The worst one was "How Will Baby Carlie Cullen Survive with a Monster of a Father? See Edward's New Music Video Here!"

Edward sat on our bed and immediately went on a five-tweet ALL CAPS rant on Twitter:

I just want to clear some things up in regards to my #Addicted music video. Firstly, I AM NOT abusive to my wife, daughter, or the rest of my family. Leave my daughter out of this! She is too young to get into the negative buzz around one simple video. Just because I made a sexy video with my wife and I've done some things that may seem crazy and borderline to you, doesn't mean they are. The premise of the video was about a burning passion for someone. The passion of being so in love and addicted to someone. I hate that a simple music video that is supposed to showcase how much I love my wife has turned into a conspiracy theory on how I treat her and my daughter. She's fine, I'm fine, our baby's fine. Stop trying to bring us down just because you didn't like the video. And even if you didn't like it, fine, just say so and click the close button and watch something else. Watch a DOTP video, if that makes you happy. But this won't stop me, Bella, or anyone else close to us from knowing the truth about this video. You can come for me all you want, but don't you dare come for my family and think I won't say anything.

"Ok that's it, give me your phone," I demanded.

"Why? You don't see that they're trashing both me and you and our daughter? And you want me to just sit here and say nothing else?" he snapped.

"Yeah, I saw them, and you know what? I blocked every single one of those tabloids from my Twitter feed. I hate seeing those posts about you, but we know the truth of the video. Why is it such a big deal now? We'd talked about this. We knew this would happen." I sat on our bed and ran both hands through my hair, tears stinging my eyes. I tried to keep my breathing on control, but even that was very hard to do.

"Yeah, we know the truth, but...I thought it would be easier to depict. I just hate that these blogsites are coming for you and Carlie. They need to stay out of our business."

"How can they when the video is already out? How are they supposed to ignore it? You think I don't feel this too?"

"I didn't say that."

"But that's what you're thinking, right? I told you I was confused that morning. You told me what the video was about, and it touched my heart. Some fans got it, some didn't, and so what if they didn't? Blasting off on Twitter and Instagram only adds fuel to the fire, and it lets this keep going, and I don't want you to go through that. I love you too much to see you suffer through some bullshit." I sniffled and wiped away my tears as he lay down next to me. I turned the other way, and I felt him sigh.

His arms pulled me closer to his chest for a hug. His hands wiped my tears away, but more came streaming down.

"I'm sorry. I just...I hate that this one thing is causing so much struggle for everyone. Especially you." He said, and I turned back around to face him. I started to speak, but we looked up to see Carlie toddle in, sniffling.


Edward got up and went to her. "Hey, baby girl. What's wrong?" He lifted her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck. He sat her down in the rocking chair across from our bed, and he started rocking her to sleep.

"Ma..." she pointed to me, and I took her little hand in mine.

"Hi, baby. Can you say Mommy yet?" I smiled a bit.

"Ma." She shook her head, and she snuggled closer to her daddy.

"It's okay, baby, can you say Dad? Daddy?"

"Da." She giggled when her father poked her in the tummy.

Edward chuckled and kissed her cheeks. "You'll get there, sweetheart. We'll try again tomorrow morning before daycare, okay?"

"'Kay." She said sleepily, and her eyes slowly closed.

I kissed her forehead as Edward went to put her back in her crib.

He came back and sighed happily. "She's talkative just like you. You just can't shut her up to save her life," he joked.

I rolled my eyes as he cuddled into me in our bed. "Whatever. She's just a shy baby." I smirked a bit, still upset at our discussion from before.

"Yeah, I know. That's what I love about her, though. And you. You both take in everything that's going on outside of yourselves and talk later." He kissed my cheek and slid closer. "Are you still mad at me about the tweets? 'Cause I'll delete them if it's still..."

I frowned and shook my head. "No, don't. Cause then everyone will just screenshot them and throw it back in your face later on when something good happens again. I just want us to move past it. You're not abusive, period. To me, to our daughter, to anyone. And if they can't see that, then that's their problem."

He looked deeply into my eyes, and I saw all different types of emotions, ranging from sadness, anger, longing, and defeat. He had five o'clock shadow and his messy, bronze hair fell into his face. I pushed them back with my fingers, and brought him closer for a deep kiss.

"I think you should stay off of Twitter, or better yet, all social media for awhile. Just until this blows over. I'll say one tweet and just leave it at that. 'Kay?" I saw him sigh and nod back. I sighed deeply too, and crawled back into bed. He spooned me closer, and I sighed in relief that the fight was over. For now.

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