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"You ok?" he asked, frowning, but still had a bright smile on his face.

"Yes, very much so. I just still can't believe you're my husband now!" my cheeks hurt from smiling.

He crawled up next to me. "Say that again."


"What you just said!"

I touched my fingertips to his jawline and whispered, "My husband."

We stayed quiet for a while, just looking deep into each other's eyes.

Songs: "A Thousand Years"- Christina Perri

Edward and I wrote a song about our wedding when we got back from our honeymoon a few weeks later. I wrote the chorus, while we both wrote the verses.

Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave?

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

But watching you stand alone,

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer


I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you

For a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still

Beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath

Every hour has come to this

We recorded it acoustically in our studio, and spent a few days mastering and mixing it. But, a strange thing happened. We couldn't release it! There was some legal crap involved with the heads of our label, so they shelved it. That broke my heart, because we'd worked so hard on it! The band was confused and Sam was furious. Edward was upset, too, and tried to talk to Carlisle to get at least something out of him, but nothing. So we were left confused, and with nothing new to release. Our fans were pissed and complained to Hollywood Records. We were all mad, but I didn't want them starting fights, because our fanbase was already so passionate, and sometimes crazy.


"I think we should leave our label." Edward had pulled me aside one morning to talk in our room at home.

I frowned and sighed. I knew this was coming. We'd put out a few new songs on our SoundCloud account, but none of them had gotten any further than that. I was afraid that maybe we would be in trouble if we stayed on this label for long. I was still confused as to why they were treating us this way.

Then again, there was a new duo, Courtney and Brian, on the scene that just got signed, called "We Are On the Scene". They were brother and sister from Ohio, and were really good. They focused more on country-rock than pop-rock. But even though they were newer, did not give our label the reason to push us away.

I had met Courtney, and she was really nice. She had long, blonde hair, slim body, baby blue eyes, and a wicked smile with dimples. We'd chatted about the label for a bit, before she gave me her and Brian's demo to listen to. I hadn't tell her about Edward and my label problems because I didn't feel like a newbie needed to know, and I didn't know what she would do. She said she'd looked up to me and Edward musically, which had made me smile for the first time in weeks.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" I asked Edward. "HR has been your home for so long."

"Yeah, and look at how it's treating us. I don't like how they're pushing us aside for some country-twang pop stars." Edward said.

"Country-twang?" I giggled.

"You think this is funny?" he asked, anger flaring in his eyes, and my laugh died down. I sighed and sat on his lap on the bed.

"I'm sorry. You know, I'm still new at this. I don't know all the legal crap, just some, but I know that what they're doing to us, something's up, and I don't know why. And it's scaring me because your anger is coming back," I whispered and laid my head on his shoulder.

He sighed deeply and kissed my hair. "I'm sorry. I'm still angry that "A Thousand Years" couldn't come out, and a bunch of other stuff."

"What other stuff?" I lifted my head.

He shrugged and looked into my eyes, tucking my hair behind my ears. "Marriage. Family."

I smiled and ran my hands through his hair. "It's not even been a year yet. You want to break up already?"

"No," he smiled. "Never. It's just still a lot to process. I've been kinda miserable without you."

"Awww," I kissed his lips. I could feel his smile against mine. "But seriously, about all this crap going on, it'll be ok. I think."

He snickered, but he looked down. "Yeah, I hope so."


Edward and I talked to Carlisle about our label problems, and I added that they restricted us as artists. We wanted to do more as musicians, but we felt like we couldn't because we were on a Disney-based label.

Our families tried to tell us otherwise, but we wouldn't hear it. We just wanted to do our music our own way. We signed a lot of papers regarding our release, and a week later, we released a formal statement made by Carlisle to the general public.

Thanks for reading!

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