Untitled Part 19

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"Hey, baby, shh," he hushed, holding me close. He smoothed my dirty, brown hair back and kissed my forehead. "Let's not worry about that right now. Let's just focus on giving this baby everything it needs. Everything else will come second. One day at a time."

I snorted in his shirt. "You're really amazing. I love you."

His chuckle rumbled in his chest. "I love you, too. And I love you, munchkin." He patted my belly and slid us under the bed again.


It came to the time where I couldn't perform anymore because I was eight months pregnant. We started writing new music, and with me being in my third trimester, the baby started to sit on my diaphragm, disrupting my breathing for higher notes for singing. It hurt my voice because I felt like I had to push myself to reach those notes, thus straining my vocal chords. Carlisle checked me out and said exactly as I feared, but thankfully, my vocal chords weren't too damaged; I just needed rest and little to no stress until the baby was born. The label even told Edward and I that I was too far along to keep performing.

I was devastated and glad at the same time because even though I couldn't play for the time being, my pregnancy was a sign that the baby was coming soon. Plus, even if I could still play shows, I didn't want to do anything that would hurt the baby.

Edward helped me write a few songs for our baby. My voice cracked in some places, so my husband took over while I sang the harmonies. It was different for me because I was so used to singing lead, but I couldn't be mad at my baby for making himself (or herself) known.


Then, I woke up with my side of the bed wet, and I knew it was time.

Shocked, I shook Edward. "Edward, wake up! Wake up!"

He mumbled, "What? What happened?"

"My water broke!" I cried, shaking him again.

He shot up, fully awake now. "What?!"

"My water broke; we have to go to the hospital, the baby's coming!" A strong contraction stopped my rant, and I hunched over in pain.

"Oh my God, okay, okay!" Edward got up and ran around to the other side of the bed, catching me before I slid to the floor on the cotton sheets. He helped me up and looked into my eyes. I could see all of his emotions in his bright eyes, the moonlight from the window highlighting every one of them. Happiness. Shock. Fear. Helplessness.

I ran my hand through his hair and lay my forehead on his. "It'll be okay. We'll be okay."

He nodded quickly. "Should we call everyone?"

"Yeah, do it now so—" Another sharp kick to the abdomen, and I tugged on Edward's hair. He groaned, but rubbed my belly. "Let's just go, please?"

We got dressed carefully and he half carried me to the car, phone in hand. By the time we were almost to the hospital, the contractions increased and I felt like I was shitting a knife!

I heard Edward's rapid voice as he talked to the nurses, called for Carlisle and other people but I just wanted the pain to go away and our baby to get here.

I changed into a hospital gown and brought into a private room, Edward trailing on my tail. He sat down next to me and held my hand.

"Honey, are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sure, fine. Just having a baby," He whispered, his face turning green at the word baby. I smoothed his messy hair out of his face.

"Honey, look at me, look at me," I repeated until he finally looked from my stomach to my eyes. "You have to stay with me. I can't do this by myself." I sniffled, tears clouding my vision.

He took my hand in both of his and kissed my fingers. "You won't be by yourself. I'm right here. I'm scared as hell, but I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

I nodded, and he leaned over to kiss me.

A few hours later, Carlisle came in to check on me. By then, I was about five centimeters dilated, and the contractions were getting closer. He said that everyone in our family was in the waiting room, praying for a safe delivery. He also suggested an epidural, but both Edward and I were against it; we wanted this baby to be brought into the world the most natural way possible.


After many contractions and pushing and screaming, Carlie Arielle Cullen was born on December 1, 2028 at seven a.m.

I felt an enormous amount of peace and calm wash over me as the nurses finally gave us our newborn. I couldn't stop crying as I looked over every little thing about this small creature. Edward kissed my sweaty hair and swept my bangs back to kiss my forehead, then Carlie's bald head. We looked up as Carlisle entered the room. He broke out into a proud smile and walked slowly toward us.

Edward gave his father a big hug and clapped his back. I saw Carlie fuss over the sound, we looked back, the guys drawing their attention back to her.

"Let me meet my granddaughter." Carlisle grinned, and I gladly put her in his arms. He kissed her nose and cheeks and rocked her gently. "She looks just like you, Bella. And she has your chin, Edward." He gushed over his granddaughter as we chuckled.

Edward kissed me again, and I lay back on my pillow. "Tired?" he asked.

"Exhausted." I sighed happily, stifling a yawn.

I heard Carlie's gurgles, and I peeked to see Carlisle slide her into her daddy's arms.

"We'll be here when you wake up." Edward took her hand and made her wave to me. "Night, Mommy."

I smiled as I closed my eyes on my new family.

A/N: Thanks for reading! If you liked this story, please share it with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr by clicking the share buttons below, and leave a review if you'd like. :)

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