Untitled Part 21

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I've had this chapter edited by PTB for awhile, but I never got around to publishing it. I've been going through some home stuff and getting my life in order lol. But I'm okay now, I think. Back to updating! :) Thanks for waiting so patiently.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight.


"Ok, then," he said. After Carlie was all changed, Edward sprayed the kitchen with air freshener. "Now we'll really know she was in here."

"Yeah," I laughed and turned back to the living room. I couldn't let go of the little baby in my arms, so I rocked her gently. Her face was still a little pudgy from birth, but I could the hint of a few small freckles across her face. I counted her long eyelashes and traced her tiny nose. She had her father's deep green eyes and tiny strands of brown hair spurted on her head. She was my beautiful baby, and I couldn't wait to see the traits of Edward and me in her.


Song Used:

"The Game of Love" by Santana ft. Michelle Branch

Edward and I decided to take the rest of 2029 off from working, traveling, and recording to be parents. If we really had to do something music business related, we'd just record at home or let Carlisle and Esme take care of it. Carlie was a long time coming, and we intended to enjoy every minute of it.

In the meantime, Rose and Emmett had a baby of their own, a little boy named Chris. She was so happy to be a mother, and Emmett was so excited to be a dad.

Alice and Jasper, however, were unable to conceive. Because of her size, Carlisle said it would be a small chance for her to get pregnant. She was devastated at first, but Jasper convinced them to adopt. They were already filling out papers to adopt a little girl from Australia whose parents had died from a fire.


February 2030

Carlisle offered me the chance to do a solo album, and I was reluctant. I didn't want Edward and our fans to think that I was throwing away our careers with Duo of the Prime to do my own project.

"Why don't you want to do it?" Edward asked when I told him.

"It's not that I don't want to, I just feel like if I did, I'd end up leaving you behind or something. I don't know..." I trailed off, putting my face in my hands. "If I get more successful than we are as a group, I don't want you to be mad at me."

"Honey, I wouldn't be mad at you or anything. I'd be right behind you, 100 percent. I'm the biggest fan you'll ever have, so why not?" he winked, making me smile.

"You're so sweet. A little too sweet for my sake," I said, hugging him.

"I try," he said, hugging back.

Carlie's cries broke us apart, and Edward went to get her out of her playpen. She was almost a year old, growing into a little chunky size, always smiling and laughing. More brown hair grew on her head, and she had a tendency to want to rip off the headbands she wore to keep it out of her eyes. She was a handful, but Edward and I couldn't have loved her less.

"What do you think, Carlie? Should Mommy record a solo album?" he asked her, his voice going up an octave whenever he talked to her.

Carlie giggled as he tickled her belly, and she nodded.

"I guess the jury stands," I laughed, and kissed her fingers. She reached for me, and I took her out of her father's arms. I kissed her head as she nuzzled into my hair. "I'll do it for you guys." I looked to Edward, and he smiled proudly back at us.


April 2030

"Ok, so I kinda have this idea for a new song, but it's more of a solo project thing," I giggled in the studio with Edward, Carlisle and Esme. Kate, our bassist, Sam, our drummer, and Seth our rhythm guitarist were holding in smiles behind them.

I'd already told Edward my plans for a solo project album, but he hadn't heard the full song yet, so I was still kind of nervous. I had a feeling Carlisle would be pissed about it, but when a song comes to you, you listen!

I pressed play and watched their expressions.

It just takes a little bit of this

A little bit of that

It started with a kiss

Now we're up to bat

A little bit of laughs

A little bit of pain

I'm telling you, my babe

It's all in the game of love

Edward stayed still for the first verse and chorus, then smirked when he heard the guitar solo near the end.

Esme and Kate kept mouthing the chorus and giggled together.

Sam kept drumming on his lap along with the song. I knew he was already happy with the finished project.

Seth wrapped an arm around me and swayed along with me. I snickered.

Carlisle was the only one who didn't show an outer reaction.

Everybody else clapped when the song ended, and Edward hugged me tightly, kissing me all over my face.

"I love it, and I love you so much for creating it, and I love the solo! Was that your solo?" he asked, smiling widely.

"Yes, and my fingers still hurt," I laughed. He took my hands and kissed those, too.

"I loved the guitar solo and the chorus and everything in it, and I'm not just saying that because I played the bass, but still! I'm so happy for you!" Kate squealed, hugging me next.

"It's a brilliant song, Bella." Esme smiled.

"How did you record this without management knowing?" Seth asked.

"Well, Edward knew about me wanting to do it, but I wanted the whole song to be a surprise. It wasn't easy, dealing with him and a new baby at home. But we did it, and I'm so glad we did!" I grinned, slapping Sam's hand for a hi-five.

Carlisle looked me over and sighed deeply. "I've never sent you out on your own. I always had Edward and the boys to help protect you."

I smiled a bit and took his hands. "Dad, we've been in this business for almost 15 years now. I know I can handle being on my own, and it's not like Edward and the guys won't be there. I still have a baby back home, and you guys are supporting me. I'll be fine. Don't worry."

He hugged me and kissed my hair. Yes, he could be ridiculously headstrong, but I still loved my father-in-law.


May 2030

After arranging a photo shoot for a single cover, radio tour, and other promotions for my new single "The Game of Love", we finally released the single on iTunes.

Within the week, the song had shot up to number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, Rock chart, and Alternative Rock chart.

Edward and my fans from Duo of the Prime were mostly surprised that I was the one to release a solo song first since Edward was assumed to be the leader of the group, even though we were a team. But after my solo success, it inspired him to work on his own music, as well.

"Now that my single was a certified hit and Edward was working on his own music, it was time to release my second single, "According to You."

A/N: I swear to you guys that another update will be soon, sometime next week. This story is actually almost done. A few more chapters left...

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