MISSION: Break The Mirror

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Isabelle's POV

Damn where are they?

"Why did they have to be twins?" I said frustrated.

"Why are you asking us?" James said while looking outside.

"Does it look like I'm asking you?" I replied back.

He rolled his eyes and I licked my lips nervously.

What if something happens to them?

Just in that moment our necklaces/bracelets started glowing red and blue making us glance at each other.

Without a word we super speed towards where they might be and where the necklaces almost signaled us to go.

My heartbeat increased as I felt that we will never find them but we bumped into something and it was them.

"Fudge run, run" Ashe said making me glare at her.

"Why should we run?" I asked and Shanna growled making growl back.

Who does she think she is?

"Isabelle please" Ashe whispered while pushing us.

I sighed and grabbed Shanna's hand.

"You stay here and fight back, James you too, we will take Shanna" I said making Ashe glare at me but nod.

We super sped to the house and Cassy made a fortress as we sat down.

"What is going on?" Cassy asked and I crossed my arms.

Shanna just looked at us with blood red eyes making me back away once more.

Usually that is not good.

"Drop the fortress" Shanna said while her eyes turned completely blood red.

"Don't Cassy" I said while staring straight at Shanna.

Shanna almost backed away immediately.

First she was acting all over me and know she backs away?

Daniel, Angel, Abela and Sophie looked extremely confused.

And so am I, I want answers and I know that she won't give me any.

"What is going on Shanna? I need answers" I said and Ashe and James entered with a few blood splotches on their shirt.

"Don't press it" Ashe said making me glare at her.

"Press what Ashe?! I'm the older sister. I need to know" I said stressing the word 'need'.

"No you don't" Ashe said while glancing at Shanna frequently.

"Oh yeah I do" I said angrily.

Shanna's eyes gleamed with worried but then they gleamed with pride.

"Please Isabelle we need to r- WHAT THE FUDGE LEAVE MY STUFF ALONE" She yelled angrily when I tried reaching for her satchel.

I slapped her and grabbed her by the hair and threw her towards the other side of the room making everyone look at me.

What in the world?

Ashe looked at me and raised her hand shooting ice out.

Her eyes widen and she immediately melted the ice before it touched me.

"Sorry I should finish my homework" Ashe whispered while running up the stairs with the satchel.

James looked at Shanna and she just looked down.

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