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Ashe/Icy's POV

Oh my goodness!

Two wolves emerged from behind the bushes making me and Flamey go behind Isabelle who closed her eyes shut.

Their beautiful though and just then a phoenix and a dragon swooped down each one landed gently in a stone.

"Hi little princesses"

I kept hidden behind Isabelle but Flamey popped her head from the side peeking a bit.

"I am your mythical creature Shanna a phoenix that turns to ashes but then emerges from the ashes and flies away just like you will do someday" The phoenix said.

"Will I be able to turn to one too"

The phoenix nodded and left.

Soon one of the wolves jumped setting itself to flames.

Me and Isabelle moved backwards not trying to get burned.

Unlike Shanna who clapped happily.

The wolf sort of bowed but I can't tell he was still in flames.

"I just like the phoenix, am your mythical creature Princess Shanna but instead of turning to ashes turn the weapons pointed at you to ashes. Just like you can deflect any weapon that comes your way, you will also be able to turn into a fire wolf, know farewell princess" The wolf said and leapt again and disappeared.


My mouth open a little making Flamey giggle and do a small flame.

The other wolf came and bowed making Isabelle move aside.

I blushed a little but curtsied and it look like it was covered in ice.

"I guess this is Princess Ashe" it said "I am your mythical animal as you thought I am a ice wolf. You shall turn yourself one day but for know you all of you can summon us on any time of need"

The ice wolf bowed once again before leaving and then the ice dragon stepped forward.

"Princess Ashe as you know I am also your mythical animal and you shall call any of us in need of help"

And so it flew back to their home

Shanna, Isabelle, and Me were left amazed but with a crazy thought that we found our spirit animals and best of all that our parents sent them to us, but how did they get to them they were in war I wonder how?

Or did they do it before?

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