Hermione sighed. You can't tell anyone.

Draco looked surprised that she had used Legilimency, but nodded anyway. He glanced at Blaise and Theo, making sure they weren't watching the two. He nodded at Hermione. She sighed again.

Parkinson's not a pureblood. She's a muggleborn and she knows it.

Draco raised an eyebrow. How do you know?

I was Voldemort's favourite Death Eater. He told me almost everything about everyone.

Draco sighed again. "Fine. But if she does anything, I'll start spreading rumors."

Hermione grinned slightly and mouthed a thank you to him.

Theo and Blaise looked annoyed. "Granger not gonna spill?"

"Granger's standing right here. No, I'm not gonna spill anything. You scare me like that again and I'll spill your blood."

Theo flinched while Blaise grinned. "Death Eater to the core."

Hermione gave a slight curtesy. "You say the nicest things."

Draco groaned. "You people are the most annoying people on this planet."

The four began to walk back up to the castle, Theo and Blaise bickering about which sister belonged to which boy.

Draco gestured to the boys. "They've been fighting like that since they decided to accept the fact that Amortentia never lies."

Hermione grinned. "I hope they know that Amortentia could give them a clue to someone they've never met. It could be someone totally different."

Draco grinned. "Right now, they're arguing about who's taking which Greengrass to the Christmas ball, it's in at least three weeks. I don't see the problem though. Greengrass Senior and Nott looked quite happy at the Halloween party."

"So did Greengrass Junior and Zabini."

They walked into the Great Hall. People no longer started at Hermione when she hung around with the boys and she was grateful for that. She caught sight of Ron and Harry at the Gryffindor table. "Alright, Malfoy. I'm going, let me know when they come to an agreement."

Hermione walked toward the Gryffindor table. Draco turned and headed for the Slytherin table. He stopped and turned around, then shook his head and followed his friends. They blocked him from passing through. "C'mon, mate," Zabini said. "Three weeks left."

Draco glared at them. "Fine. I hope you're happy, Nott. You're two galleons richer."

Theo puched the air while Draco sighed and turned back to the Gryffindor table. "Granger!"

"Oi, Granger!"

It appeared that while most students heard him, Hermione didn't. "Oh, for the love of - move over, please." He not so gently moved the Slytherin sitting on the edge and climbed up on the bench. Teachers at the front pointed out the Slytherin boy standing on the bench and wondered what he was up to. Draco cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled as loud as possible.

"Hermione Granger. Could you please look at me?"

Hermoine was about to take a seat and turned around at the mention of her name. Draco stood at the end of the Slytherin table. She raised an eyebrow. All earlier uncertainty on Draco's face was replaced by a smirk.

"Go with me to the Christmas Ball?"

Hermione's mouth dropped open, along with almost all the students and teachers. Ron's ears were turning red and Ginny had to restrain him.

"Come again?"

"Will you," Malfoy pointed at her.

"Go with me," he pointed to himself.

"To the Christmas Ball? Come on, Granger. It's not a difficult question."

Hermione smirked and pretended to think about it.

"I'll buy you another Firewhiskey," he sang.

Hermione tapped her chin. "Hmm, make it two and I'll go with you."

Draco's jaw dropped. "Two?!"

Hermione grinned. "One and a new dress."


Hermione smiled and sat down. She didn't see Draco jump down and make funny faces for Theo as he handed money back to Zabini.

"Are you seriously going to go with Malfoy?"

Hermione looked up at Ron. "I know you don't like him, but really Ron, be a little more mature."

"But it's Malfoy!"

Hermione dropped her spoon. "Leave it, Ron. I'm going to the Christmas Ball with Malfoy and that's final." She got up and walked over to the Slytherin table. Draco was sitting at the edge with Blaise and Theo. "I'll have my Firewhiskey now, please."

She grabbed his collar and dragged him out the hall. "Ow, Granger. Could you stop pulling me down to your height. I'm a bit taller."

Hermione stopped at the doors and let go. "Sorry. Just give me one second. I left my bag."

"Yes, the famous bag."

Hermione walked back to her seat. She picked up her bag. Before she left, she turned to Ron. "You wanted to know why I had stopped spending time with you? This is why. You can't accept that they're my friends as well."

She left without another word. She took Draco's arm at the door and pulled him away. "Let's go, then. I need a drink."

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