Start from the beginning

"You're so mean you left me here all horny" I yelled.

"You do that all the time sweets. Now go to the bathroom or I'll kick your ass" he threatened.

As much as I think a playful Yixing is hot. I really need to get ready or I'll be late. I prepare my clothes, a shirt and pants with shoes. I took a quick shower and brush my hair. When I left the bathroom Yixing was alredy in the table, he was drinking his coffee.

"Wow coffe and french toast, yummy" I smiled.

"Your lunch is ready, be careful I put some soup this time, ok?" He warned me. I nodded and start eating my breakfast.

Yixing was wearing a t-shirt and skinny jeans with some snickers.

"How are the rehearsals going?" I asked him

"Good, I think they just need to practice a little more and their debut will be a success" he smiled happily showing his dimples.

I love those dimples so much. I think it's my weak spot, whenever he smiles like that no matter how mad or sad I am, can calm me.

"I'll give you a ride, let's go" I said.

"Sure? Aren't you busy?" He asked a little concerned.

"It's alright babe, let's go"I told him.

We were living the apartment when I got a message.

<<When are you planning to contact me, Mum>>

I sigh and lock the screen

"Everything alright?" Lay asked me.

"Yeah. Nothing important. Get on" I drive him at his studio and went to the company.

Fortunately we finished our last task last week so for at least a month this would go slowly and calm.

I end up work soon, at 8 p.m., I called Lay.

"Hey I just took a shower, are you done alredy?" He asked.

"Yeah I'll wait you outside" I said.

After a few minutes he left and smiled before he come next to me. He hold my hand and I looked surprised.

"What? Can't I?" He blushed.

I laughed and he punched ne playfully.

"Ohh...Suho Oppa" someone yelled I let go of his hand. I saw his disappointed look before I could apologize someone hug me.

Now his sasdness was replace with a furious look.

"Suho Oppa it's me Yuri , wae? Did you forget me? Eventhough we dated" she said

Yixing cleared his throat.

"Omo...sorry did I interrupted your chat. Sorry I'm Yuri I was Suho oppa girlf..." I hit his forehead.

"Don't lie" I hissed her.

"Ok, ok, I was his dongsaeg back in highschool. Tch, you don't need to get angry. So who are you?" she laugh.

Yixing smiled and was about to tell her when I interrupted him.

"He's my roommate" I told her.

He clench his fist and smiled sadly.

"Yeah, I'm Zhang yixing nice to meet you" he said.

&quot;THE LOVER&quot;(더 러버) Where stories live. Discover now