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"Y/n don't hang up!" I said into the phone, my eyes were glowing

"I gotta go!" y/n said beginning to cry

"Y/N DON'T HANG UP!" I yelled but she did. Doll and Jeremy looked at me fearfully, Doll walked towards me placing her hand on my shoulder.

"She could be getting hurt! AND WE DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHERE SHE IS!" I yelled kicking a desk, Doll was trying not to cry but Jeremy was hunched over looking at the screen, something was wrong with him.

"Jere..?" I said sitting beside him. He looked at me his eyes were dark as mine! "I want to get her out of there!" Jeremy said, for once his stutter was gone.

"I NEED TO GET HER OUT!" Jeremy yelled walking towards the door. Jesus the kid was serious about this.

"Where are you gonna look?" Doll asked, shutting the door before Jeremy could walk out, Thank God she shut that door because Foxy was banging on it now.

"A-Anywhere! Doll I-I love her too much to loose her! I-I can't let her get hurt the way I did!" Jeremy said, Doll was starting to cry

"I love her too Jere, she's my sister! Even if we do find her they'll say it was kidnapped sense he has her custody!" Doll said crying harder, I walked over to her and held her,

"Mike what if ...we see her at her funeral.." Doll cried

"Don't say that Doll." I cried, Jeremy had slid down the wall and was crying too

"Please.. She'll be okay we know she'll be.." I said, I motioned for Jeremy to come over. It took him a while but he came and held them both as we all cried like babies. Chica brought us in pizza and asked why we were crying, knowing she'd stuff us in suits if we didn't tell her. I began the story, the phone calls the drive, the little hope that we had she'd be okay. Chica was trying not to believe it, she ran out of the room and I knew the entire Fazzbear fuck house would be trying to get information on as much as they could.

your pov

I hid hoping he'd think I jumped out the window, I looked as my grandfathers feet were right by the bed. It didn't look like he had pants on

"Oh my God they did it when I could've walked out and seen them!?" I thought  "It took them long enough to figure out they liked each other."

"y/n get your ass out here I know you're in here!" grandpa said, I didn't want to come out I knew from experience he'd hurt me.

"Vincent!" Scotts stern voice ran though out the room. I looked too see him coming into the room

"I'll get her, you calm down." In other words "Watch and learn while you calm your tits" I thought. Vincent left the room and Scott sat by the bed

"Were not going to hurt you y/n." Scott began "I promise you, we just want to raise you without all Hell breaking loose." I said nothing, wanting him to believe I wasn't there.

"You know, Vincent's going to let you see them." I perked up, but knowing that it would be taken away on the first visit. I don't need the gift to show me that they'll try to take me home. I just wanted to see them again, even if it would bey last time.

"Y/n please come out." Scott said,

I saw I'm shake something red at me. It was my old Foxy plush, granted that I don't rush to it like a child but it might be all I have left! Scott fucking knew I thought that too! I wanted to cry, but held in my tears. Jesus this all confusing.

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