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Mangle's Pov

I was able to get me and y/n out of the spare part room, she was beaten pretty bad I thought that maybe I could ask Foxy for help (if the child wasn't with him) I sneaked into pirates cove and towards the wall Foxy was singing a strange new song.

"I just want you to notice, I just want you to notice I just wanna put on a show." He sang,

"Foxy.." I said, Foxy turned and saw me, in his eyes were a combination of anger and happiness. "Mangle...? How?"

"No time to explain." I said showing him y/n

"It was puppet's spirit , I was able to save her but I need you to make a distraction for the other guards so I can put her back in the office." Foxy brushed one of y/n's wounds as if it would heal by one touch

"Wait until the lads scream." Foxy said, I grabbed his arm warning him that, that was all y/n I had left of a family..at least one that could protect her. I waited until I heard one of the night guards scream and I went through the vents to the office where I saw one of them (I think his name is Jeremy) lying on the couch asleep, he too looked like someone had punched him. I laid y/n down by the boy and found an old blanket like table cloth to lay on them. I wrote a note and put it in y/n's hand it read "Puppet got a hold of her she'll live. take care of her or else! - Chica"

I wrote Chica's name because I didn't need the night guards knowing I was still functional.

"Y/n...I don't know if you can hear me but..I truly am sorry I can't blame my darkness for what I did too you but, if it happens again I need you to destroy me.."

I said climbing into the vents. I saw one of the night guards come in (It looked like the kid Foxy always told me about) He looked at the note that I had written and then tended to her wounds. I left after I felt my spirit not wanting to hurt y/n anymore.

Your POV

I woke up on a couch and saw my grandfather and uncle fighting

"Do you seriously think that I'm gonna let you take her after what happened with Alex and George!?" P.G scream whispered

"I didn't do that! That is my grandchild and I have every right to be in her life as I have too be in hers!" Vincent responded, I tried to get up but winced in pain as I sat up, Both Vincent and Scott ran over too me

"Wha-What happened?" I asked not remembering my attacker,

"You ran out of the office and you got hurt.." Vincent said, I looked around the room and saw Mike and Doll in a chair and Jeremy in another

"How long have they been here?" I asked motioning  at the others,

"Well Mike and Jeremy wouldn't leave until you woke up and once Doll heard she was over in a flash." P.G said, I tried to laugh but it hurt to so I just coughed,

"How beat up did I get?" I asked seeing a bandage on my arm and another around my stomach "Pretty bad kid..." Vincent said "Im getting a job at Fazbears..to help you and the others.." I said, when I did I swore Scottie was gonna pass out.

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