I got up at 6am and Doll was still sleeping, I got up quietly and slipped on some random clothes I found in the dresser by my bed, I went to the bathroom and turns out the outfit was kinda nice. I had grabbed a red long sleeved shirt with some regular jeans. After  I did the essentials I went down stairs for Breakfast. Mrs.Surname was already up

"Good morning y/n," She said as I entered the kitchen "How did you sleep?"

"Good thanks." I replied "Do you guys have a system or something that I have to follow for breakfast or something?" I asked trying not to sound rude, Mrs.Surname shook her head, "Your lunch  and book bag is over by the door if you want to take a look at it." I went over too see a dark purple book bag and a sack lunch,

"Thanks." I said putting the book bag on, I suddenly saw another door by the basement and inside of it was a green skateboard with a broken wheel. I went over to the door and opened it and there the skateboard was.

"Hey uh..Mrs.Surname?"
"Yes dear?" She answered from the kitchen
"There's an old skateboard in here and I was wondering if I could fix it up." Mrs.Surname came over by the closet with me, she examined the skateboard then handed it to me.

"Sure but be careful." I smiled then found some tools, it took me about maybe five minutes to fix the broken wheel. Doll came down stairs looking like she hadn't slept for days her mother set a bowl of cereal by her

"Morning I said riding into the kitchen on the skateboard."

"Hey,hey, slow down," Mrs.Surname said stoping me "No riding in the house especially without a helmet." I kicked up the board and sat down by Doll, if you're wondering when I learned how to ride these things well..I had a friend named Jeremy and we thought each other how to. My sister was already going back to sleep and her head almost went into the cereal but I replaced it with my waffles.

"Uh...Doll?" I said shaking her a little "please leave me to sleep." She said with her head in the waffles, I looked at the clock it was almost seven,

"We gotta go to school don't we?" I said
Doll woke up almost instantly and ate her cereal.

"Dose she have a test or something?" I asked getting some milk "No, she's fourteen so that won't be for another year." Mrs.Surname said, I ate my breakfast and Mrs.Surname gave me my lunch and ushered us out the door

"Thanks." I said going out the door.

"Do you want me to walk with you y/n?" Doll said as we got outside,"No thanks, but do guys got a helmet anywhere I can borrow?" Doll went to the shed and came back with an old     (f/c) helmet, "Thanks." I said ridding off. It took me about maybe five minutes until I saw the school sign as I stopped in front of the school I saw some assholes beating up a kid.

"HEY!" I yelled angrily walking over to the kids, they stopped when they saw me and I knew why. Sometimes if I get mad my eyes go all dark with only a white pupil and I turn dangerous and just bad...
"Leave the kid alone." I heard my voice go a little demonic as I said this, the kids ran from me and my eyes went back to normal as I helped the boy up.

"T-Thanks." he stuttered, he looked fimiler. He looked to soft to be a thug I met,too sweet of a voice to be jerk who took some food from me. The boy looked at me odd like and then something seemed to click. His messy brown hair hiding his eyes, his baby bruised looking skin, and overly big clothes.

"W-What's y-your n-name?" suddenly I recognized the boys messy hair

"Jeremy Fitzgerald is that really you?!"
"(y/n)?!" I gave Jeremy a quick hug

"Good too see ya man. I thought that they got you away from your family.How are ya?" Jeremy just looked down at the ground, I gasped in horror as the thought of his family hurting him again graced my mind.

"I swear if your drunk ass dad is still hurting you I will come over and kick his butt so hard that he'll be the one afraid of you!"

"N-No y/n i-its fine really its not a big deal..." Jeremy said as if he was trying to protect me. My eyes went a bit dark "Its a VERY big deal how can someone do that to someone epsceially there own kid?!" I could tell Jeremy wanted off the topic so I just stayed quiet.

"Look..I'm gonna promise you something, I promise to try to protect you as much as I can." I said, Jeremy smiled and rolled his eyes a little, we sat outside and told each other what had been going on sense we last seen each other. (Which was a little over a few years a go) until the bell rang. We went inside together and I felt ready for this school.

Five Night High school AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now